Hello, first of all, let me quickly congartulate the dev team. Some of our customers are using the 2X clients for Android and they really like it. it is a great product. Nevertheless, we have found a "kind of BUG" since the last update (26.08.2014). 2X Client for Android (last update from 26.08.14) Protocoll: RDP Target: WIN 7 Pro Client Device: Asus Transformer Android ISSUE: all the pressed key (on the keyboard) are doubled. For example, if I write "hello world" inside a notepad instance, I will endup with "hheelloo wwoorrlldd" which is quite inconvinient. Everything was working prior to the last update (26.08.14). As a workaround, we are using another RDP Client at the time being. I was wondering if anyone can reproduce this behavior. And if this is really a "BUG", could it be corrected? We'd love to use the 2X Client for Android again! Thx for reading, any feedback apreciated. Kind Regards Ben
Hi thanks for contacting 2X Forums. Please ensure you have the latest 2X Client version installed. If you do and this issue remains please contact support@2x.com to report this issue stating all of the information within this post.
As new knowledge is really very good. I've never heard of before. I feel that I read this post I'm making, I pace the world to me. hahaha +