Keyboard compatibility btw Mac/PC

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Jacques2101, May 18, 2021.

  1. Jacques2101

    Jacques2101 Bit poster

    Hi, I am new to Parallels and just installed a test version.
    I noticed that inside windows I do not have access to special caractères. For example:
    on Mac '{' = <Option + (> but on windows nothing. Same with }, [, ]...
    I have configured keyboard on windows as French apple keyboard (cf picture joined).
    Any ideas to help me ?
    I suppose that it is a very classical problem.

    Attached Files:

  2. PierreG9

    PierreG9 Bit poster

    Hi, did you get a solution for your problem ?
    De mon côté, dans Windows avec Parallels, la touche 'verrouillage majuscules' (caps Lock) ne fonctionne pas pour obtenir les capitales accentuées É Ç È À, par exemple.
    Quant aux caractères { [ € \ ou encore tilde (~), je constate qu'ils ne sont pas obtenus avec la touche Option (Alt) seule, mais bien avec la combinaison Ctrl-Alt, curieux...
    Mac Big Sur 11.5.2
    Parallels Desktop 17.0.1
    Windows 8.1

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