keyboard issue in final release (german)

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by davenzal, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. davenzal

    davenzal Bit poster

    Hi Folks,
    despite I read all threads regarding the keyboard issue in linux I still haven't found a solution.

    This is just regarding Liunx/Solaris installation within parallels, windows is not a problem. But on my german MBP keyboard I am not able to get some keys within Linux/Solaris despite I configured within linux/solaris a german keyboard ...

    Key's I'm missing are:

    pipe symbol
    back slash
    at sign

    I tried every keycombination that should create them. (crtl-alt q for at sign e.g.) Even with different OS settings on the settings page (linx - other, linux - fedora core) ..

    I do not want to change my keyboard layouts in linux or solaris to remap some keys, I could expect form parallels to support those keys out of the box ..

    What I'm missing, or that else shall I try ...
  2. inavia

    inavia Bit poster

    the same

    I run ubuntu dapper, and i have the same keyboard problem, but in this case is a spanish keyboard. No ALT-GR, no @ (at), no | (pipe). I've probed with different OS settings too.
    Any suggestion?
  3. inki

    inki Bit poster

    what a shame!

    I'm experiencing the same behavior here on my MacBook Pro and still cannot beleive that they went final with this bug although I'm for sure not the only person that mentioned this issue well before the final release :mad: .

    In addition this seemed to work really good in RC1 some weeks ago. Even within an Exceed X11 window to some target unix machine under Windows XP I could type |, @ and other important shell characters. And now it's not working at all and there's not even some sort of virtual keyboard or typing menu available.

    On top of that I did not see a single comment from the Paralleles developers and thats a real shame!
    Should you hear us: Please let us know how and when you're going to address that issue.

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2006
  4. mutrata

    mutrata Bit poster

    I have experienced no problem with the final version on my MB.
    @ - Symbol = CTRL+ALT+Q
    \ - Symbol = CTRL+ALT+ß

    ß is the key right to the zero-key

    That works.

    Best regards !
  5. davenzal

    davenzal Bit poster

    Hi Matthias,

    within which OS have you achived that? Which parameters are set in the OS Setting within the VM configuration? What is your X11 configuration for the keyboard?

  6. davenzal

    davenzal Bit poster


    I re-checked it cause of matthias message. In Knoppix 4.0.2 with kernel 2.6.12 on a german keyboard within linux it is not possible to get the keys like quoted.

    crtl-alt-q and crt-alt-ß, crtl-alt-< does not create @ or \ or |

    any other solution? might parallels say someething to this thread?
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  7. davenzal

    davenzal Bit poster


    but no answer is although an answer. I think at least a small comment from parallels itself on this isuee, which all of 'old europe' users might suffer ..

    als das ist doch kindergarten hier, ich find das echt bescheiden das hier absolut keine antwort kommt wie man das wohl unter linux hinbekommt ..

    might someone have a hint on changing the keycodes with in X11 (linux) and X11R6 (solaris 10)?

  8. nico

    nico Bit poster

    --- why don´t help parallels

    Hi everybody,

    i´ve just bought parallels desktop and installed windows xo pro was very easy :) . But now i´ve installed on my macbook pro ubuntu and i want to use it for mail. but i can´t make an (at) sign. Please help!

    This is very unsatisfactory, no documentation about shortcuts for the keyboard.

    your nico :mad:
  9. gigaphreak

    gigaphreak Bit poster

    Solution for alt_gr problem


    i had the same problems and it is really annoing if you can't type a "pipe" or even an "at" symbol in linux.


    Create a file named .xmodmap in your home directory.

    Insert this:

    keycode 9 = Escape
    keycode 10 = 1 exclam
    keycode 11 = 2 quotedbl
    keycode 12 = 3 section
    keycode 13 = 4 dollar
    keycode 14 = 5 percent
    keycode 15 = 6 ampersand
    keycode 16 = 7 slash braceleft
    keycode 17 = 8 parenleft bracketleft
    keycode 18 = 9 parenright bracketright
    keycode 19 = 0 equal braceright
    keycode 20 = ssharp question backslash
    keycode 21 = dead_acute dead_grave
    keycode 22 = BackSpace
    keycode 23 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab
    keycode 24 = q Q at
    keycode 25 = w W
    keycode 26 = e E EuroSign
    keycode 27 = r R
    keycode 28 = t T
    keycode 29 = z Z
    keycode 30 = u U
    keycode 31 = i I
    keycode 32 = o O
    keycode 33 = p P
    keycode 34 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis
    keycode 35 = plus asterisk asciitilde
    keycode 36 = Return
    keycode 37 = Control_L
    keycode 38 = a A
    keycode 39 = s S
    keycode 40 = d D
    keycode 41 = f F
    keycode 42 = g G
    keycode 43 = h H
    keycode 44 = j J
    keycode 45 = k K
    keycode 46 = l L at
    keycode 47 = odiaeresis Odiaeresis braceleft
    keycode 48 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis braceright
    keycode 49 = dead_circumflex degree
    keycode 50 = Shift_L
    keycode 51 = numbersign apostrophe
    keycode 52 = y Y
    keycode 53 = x X
    keycode 54 = c C
    keycode 55 = v V
    keycode 56 = b B
    keycode 57 = n N
    keycode 58 = m M
    keycode 59 = comma semicolon bracketleft
    keycode 60 = period colon bracketright
    keycode 61 = minus underscore slash
    keycode 62 = Shift_R
    keycode 63 = KP_Multiply XF86_ClearGrab
    keycode 64 = Mode_switch Alt_L Meta_L
    keycode 65 = space
    keycode 66 = Caps_Lock
    keycode 67 = F1 XF86_Switch_VT_1
    keycode 68 = F2 XF86_Switch_VT_2
    keycode 69 = F3 XF86_Switch_VT_3
    keycode 70 = F4 XF86_Switch_VT_4
    keycode 71 = F5 XF86_Switch_VT_5
    keycode 72 = F6 XF86_Switch_VT_6
    keycode 73 = F7 XF86_Switch_VT_7
    keycode 74 = F8 XF86_Switch_VT_8
    keycode 75 = F9 XF86_Switch_VT_9
    keycode 76 = F10 XF86_Switch_VT_10
    keycode 77 = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys
    keycode 78 = Scroll_Lock
    keycode 79 = KP_Home KP_7
    keycode 80 = KP_Up KP_8
    keycode 81 = KP_Prior KP_9
    keycode 82 = KP_Subtract XF86_Prev_VMode
    keycode 83 = KP_Left KP_4
    keycode 84 = KP_Begin KP_5
    keycode 85 = KP_Right KP_6
    keycode 86 = KP_Add XF86_Next_VMode
    keycode 87 = KP_End KP_1
    keycode 88 = KP_Down KP_2
    keycode 89 = KP_Next KP_3
    keycode 90 = KP_Insert KP_0
    keycode 91 = KP_Delete KP_Separator
    keycode 92 = Print Sys_Req
    keycode 93 = Mode_switch
    keycode 94 = less greater bar
    keycode 95 = F11 XF86_Switch_VT_11
    keycode 96 = F12 XF86_Switch_VT_12
    keycode 97 = Home
    keycode 98 = Up
    keycode 99 = Prior
    keycode 100 = Left
    keycode 102 = Right
    keycode 103 = End
    keycode 104 = Down
    keycode 105 = Next
    keycode 106 = Insert
    keycode 107 = Delete
    keycode 108 = Delete
    keycode 109 = Control_R
    keycode 110 = Pause Break
    keycode 111 = Print Sys_Req
    keycode 112 = KP_Divide XF86_Ungrab
    keycode 113 = ISO_Level3_Shift Multi_key
    keycode 114 = Pause Break
    keycode 116 = Super_R
    keycode 117 = Menu
    keycode 124 = ISO_Level3_Shift
    keycode 125 = NoSymbol Alt_L
    keycode 126 = KP_Equal
    keycode 127 = NoSymbol Super_L
    keycode 128 = NoSymbol Hyper_L
    keycode 156 = NoSymbol Meta_L


    xmodmap .xmodmap

    in your home directory

    That's it... now your alt key is Alt_Gr (keycode 64 = Mode_switch Alt_L Meta_L).
    I tested this with the "Apple" key but e.g. if you press APPLE+Q for at, it will be interpreted as normal Mac OS command (close application) so not the perfect way... (keycode 115 = Mode_switch)

    keycode 64: alt key
    keycode 115: apple key

    Normally you dont have to remap all the keys as shown above...

    keycode 64 = Mode_switch Alt_L Meta_L

    in .xmodmap should work.

    To remap the keys automatically on every boot add a line

    xmodmap ˜/.xmodmap

    to your .bashrc, .profiles or whatever you are using.

    FYI: I installed Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro with German keyboard layout.

    Best regards

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2006
  10. davenzal

    davenzal Bit poster

    thx chrisitan,
    at least that works. But if you do not use the complete .xmodmap file just to add keycode 64 is not enough:

    # xmodmap für linux unter parallels
    # @ zeichen
    keycode 24 = q Q at
    # \ zeichen
    keycode 20 = ssharp question backslash
    # alt neu mappen
    keycode 64 = Mode_switch Alt_L Meta_L
    # / zeichen auf - _ ist aber schon auf der 7
    # keycode 61 = minus underscore slash
    # | zeichen
    keycode 94 = less greater bar
    But this works only on Linux, anyone tried this with solaris 10 ?
  11. TheInvisibleMan

    TheInvisibleMan Bit poster

    for Redhat console session you might try this

    Hi everyone,

    to solve the problem on Redhat Distro based Console Sessions with a German Keyboard Layout I am using the following setup:

    Unzip the attached and copy the resulting file



    Please modify /etc/sysconfig/keyboard as follows:


    Now you can either reboad or execute

    loadkeys de-latin1-nodeadkeys-mac

    The keyboad layout will be as follows

    Alt 5 = [
    Alt 6 = ]
    Alt 7 = |
    Shift Alt 7 = \
    Alt 8 = {
    Alt 9 = }
    Alt n = ~

    which should be what is is like using the Mac

    Have fun,

    Attached Files:

  12. peckel

    peckel Bit poster

    Can't access the map file


    I can try whatever I want, the forum software doesn't let me access the map file. Is it available somewhere else?


    Peter <>
  13. vilmoskörte

    vilmoskörte Member


    This works here w/o any problems on my MacBookPro with a german keyboard. The otherwise completely useless "Enter key" (right of right Command key) now works as AltGr-Key and e.g. Altgr+q gives you the @. Likewise all other keys (just as on a standard german PC keyboard). This works independent of the guest operating system.
  14. dieterf

    dieterf Junior Member

    I have tried it, but my "Enter key" (right of right Command key) also works as Enter/Return as before!
    On keyboard window on Mac OS X i can see Return highlighted on pressing the enter key. This seems, this keys have no different keycode. Is there a special Mac OS X configuration to make this keys different?

    Mac OS X: 10.4.8
    Parallels: 2.5.3106
    Guest: SuSE Linux
  15. dieterf

    dieterf Junior Member

    Works on ASCII not on X11!

    Works on ASCII not on X11! No [ ] | { } @ ~ on X11!

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