after doing some research, i think i may have found something going on, which may be due to the windows 10 guest os, and NOT parallels: many people running win10 noted the exact same problem; a fix (see: was noted discussed as follows: "After hours of going through reverting my custom Windows 10 Tweaks, I isolated the problem. You need to set the TextServicesFramework Task to Enabled and then Reboot your PC and you'll be good to go!
Win+R > taskschd.msc > Task Scheduler Library > Microsoft > Windows > TextServicesFramework. Right click MsCtfMonitor and choose Enable. Reboot your PC."
So, when I went to taskschd.msc, it said that it couldn't load the schedules for the local computer... so, after more google, it was suggested to run services.msc and check to see that the scheduler service was running.. I did this, and, sure enough, the scheduling service was NOT running. I tried to start it... and, it keeps failing to start with an "error 1067"... Looking in the win10 system logs wasn't very helpful, so I'm now trying to upgrade my win10 guest OS, from win10 home to win10 pro, and see if that helps... very very frustrating, but i'm beginning to suspect that this may be a win10 issue and NOT a parallels issue..
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