Keyboard shortcut to bring up top menu bar on virtual machine

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by JeffF7, Oct 21, 2019.

  1. JeffF7

    JeffF7 Bit poster

    Please create a keyboard shortcut or other method of bringing up the top menu bar when on a virtual machine. When I put my mouse to the top of my virtual machines it takes many attempts to bring up the top menu bar. I would rather access this menu from the virtual machine than from the parallels icon on the main mac screen. If there is already another method to bring up this menu please let us know.
    Thank you.
  2. alev

    alev Parallels Team

    Hi Jeff7,

    In short you just need to put a cursor at the top and wait 3 seconds doing nothing for the menu to appear.
    You can also press Ctrl + Alt and then move the cursor to the top, then macOS is responsible for the delay and most of the time the menu will appear immediately.

    Let me know if it works for you.
  3. JeffF7

    JeffF7 Bit poster

    That works nicely. Thank you very much. When I was putting the cursor at the top I kept moving it. I wasn't leaving it there with no movement. I think that is why the menu was not coming up. Thank you.
  4. hvdmerwe

    hvdmerwe Bit poster

    Is there an option somewhere to change / shorten this 3 second delay to eg 1 or 0.5 sec? 3 seconds is an eternity to wait to switch desktops or activate hot corners
  5. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    I know this is an old thread, but I've got the opposite request, I want to slow down the appearance of the top menu bar.
    With Parallels 18 and Win11, the mouse only has to glance the top and the bar pops down. It is very irritating.
    Is there any way to slow it down?
    AbrahamO2 likes this.
  6. AbrahamO2

    AbrahamO2 Bit poster

    Yes please, same request here.
  7. KevinS25

    KevinS25 Junior Member

    I found this website...
    and used this... defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0;killall Dock
    but replaced 0 with 2 on my computer at work, and it does slow down the appearance of the top menu bar when in Windows.
    The downside effect though is that the Mac dock takes over 2 seconds to appear when in IOS.
    Weirdly it doesn't seem to affect the dock appeareance speed when in Windows. This computer is a Mac Mini running an older version of IOS and Win 10.

    On my home Mini, I have Ventura and Win 11 and unfortunately the terminal commands don't work to slow the top menu bar in Windows, but do affect the dock speed still in IOS.

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