Leopard 10.5.3

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by aderium, May 30, 2008.

  1. BruceK

    BruceK Member

    On my system I find that switching between Full Screen and Windowed mode seems to clear up the flickering.
  2. rft

    rft Member

    I have set VRAM to 64 MB, and experience the serious flicker as described all the time, so that is no fix for me.
  3. rft

    rft Member

    Switching back and forth between Windowed and Full-screen mode does not help either.
  4. chicagozer

    chicagozer Bit poster

    I have parallels 5600 running Windows 2000 with up to date security patches. I'm seeing the same flickering. Minimizing and restoring seems to alleviate the problem for a while but it does eventually recur.
  5. Pete Garner

    Pete Garner Bit poster

    flickering with build 5600

    I am having the same problem. It started right after I installed the 5600 build. I am running windows xp with sp2 and all the latest mac software and updates. It seems to start an hour or so of continued use. So far rebooting XP fixes it for a while and then it comes back. It is the entire screen, all programs, words start blinking very fast, etc.
  6. Lindsay

    Lindsay Member

    About time there was a response from parallels acknowledging that there is indeed a serious issue and what's being done to fix it. Also when.

    As noted by santa this has been an ongoing issue for some for 6 months now that's been worsened by the 10.5.3 update.

    We can only hope this hurts Parallels sales and so making a fix a priority.
    Imagine downloading the trial and experiencing this. Would you buy. NO.
  7. thexone

    thexone Bit poster

    Same flickering issue here...

    I have had no issues previously...was running smooth with build 5600, XP SP3 and OS X 10.5.2 on a Mac Pro 2 x 3GHz dual-core with 4GB RAM and 512 VRAM. I installed the 10.5.3 update yesterday and all went to hell with this flickering/redraw issue. It's basically unusable at this point. Fortunately, I am referencing my Boot Camp partition, so I can reboot and go in via Boot Camp to get any urgent things done, but, I became a Parallels user so that I didn't have to do that.
  8. Bastiat

    Bastiat Bit poster

    I'm responding to John@Parallels post on 1 June. He first wrote at 11:44 AM:
    "I have specially tested Windows XP and Windows Vista. You need to install build 5600, and reinstall Parallels Tools in Windows Vm. There should be no problem."

    He then wrote at 12:17 PM:
    "Problem is only appearing when connecting USB devices. Please let me know if there are other cases."


    I can confirm that everthing is fine until I plug in my USB device (a Gemplus smart card reader). Unfortunately my main use of Parallels is in order to use that reader.

    Are you saying in your two posts above that USB devices will again work correctly when Parallels build 5600 is reinstalled and then Parallels Tools is reinstalled after? I already had build 5600 running on 10.5.2 with no problem, and after the 10.5.3 upgrade, my USB device is now causing Parallels to become unstable (GUI rendering problems, causing me to have to shutdown).

    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008
  9. patchpetty

    patchpetty Bit poster

    I have the same issues since installing 10.5.3 but I can minimize parallels and it resolves, for a short while. I have a MBP, 4 GB, 2.33. I have reinstalled parallels tools and over the weekend re-installed os x "new hard drive and wanted a clean install" and installed parallels again. So far the only relief is minimize. Sometimes the issue subsides for a few hours and other times it is only a few minutes. I use it for Outlook and IE.
  10. patchpetty

    patchpetty Bit poster

    It doesnt matter if I have USB connected or not. i can have my blackberry connected, usb kb/mouse or nothing plugged in and I have the same issue.
  11. santa

    santa Junior Member

    The problems clearly manifest themselves somewhat differently on different machines. In my case I have no problems unless I connect or disconnect a USB device. Normally I have several devices connected but if I connect or disconnect anything then then the trouble starts. As long as I don't mess with anything usb (leave things connected as they are) I can use parallels. Others sound as if there problems develop with or without any USB connecting. Apparently at one point john thought the issues was USB dependant. While USB appears to be involved, from your comments it seems it's not dependant upon USB. Anyone that really needs Parallels to work in should probably roll back to 10.5.2 or choose another program or experiment a bit to see if they can find a workflow that remains stable. Given this is a 6mo old problem I'm not looking for any quick fix from either the parallels folks or Apple.
  12. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Developers are already working on this problem.
    We will inform you as soon
  13. msbeatty

    msbeatty Bit poster

    Add me to the list as well.
  14. jrdub

    jrdub Junior Member

    Confirming the flickering problem on a Mac Pro 8-core (dual 2.8Ghz & Radeon 2600) running 10.5.3. I initially experienced the problem on the latest build (5600) so I rolled back to 5584 and there was only temporary relief. Because of the importance of testing in Windows for my business (web development) I am considering switching to Fusion. Please resolve quickly. I have 2 licenses and work as a systems consultant when I'm not developing web sites. I want to continue to recommend this product.
  15. jrdub

    jrdub Junior Member

    Also confirming that problem did NOT show up until 10.5.3 was installed. I installed 5600 before the update with no problems.
  16. santa

    santa Junior Member


    I don't wish to be combative, but given the fact that this seems to be a 6 month old problem that has been made worse and not just introduced by 10.5.3 it seems a bit disengenous to simply say "the developers are working on it". While I don't doubt it is true, a few more details would be much appreciated. I only run parallels to be able to support clients that use it and it sounds a bit odd to tell them it's a 6month old issue that the developers are working on.
  17. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    The problem is escalated by top management, I hope I can give some answer in a day or 2
  18. jrdub

    jrdub Junior Member

    By saying 5584 provided temporary relief I mean that it worked for awhile but then the flickering started again. So neither 5584 or 5600 are solutions to this problem, as has been noted by many previous posts and threads but just wanted to reconfirm.
  19. graphic

    graphic Bit poster

    USB device causes havoc with video display

    The USB port behaving strange is....strange. My video display breaks up, does not display all info, or keeps info that's gone. Yes I can click out of Parallels and back and it is "fixed" Unplug my USB "printer/30 watt laser" and all works fine. It is just with 10.5.3 that this bug has shown itself to me and my MBP 2.6/4mb, XP Pro/1GB 64mbVideo- computer. I run parallels to run the laser, so unplugging it is not a working solution. Hopefully the good folks at Parallels can tweak the parallels back to behaving itself.
  20. mdporter

    mdporter Junior Member

    I am seeing the issue with Windows 2003 server. It shows up if I suspend windows then resume. rebooting clears it and then I am back to normal. Also saw this with Vista enterprise sp1. Both with 10.5.3 and parallels 5600. reinstalling the tools did no good.

    I was also not using any USB devices beyond the built in keyboard/mouse.

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