5160 networking still doesn't work after Leopard upgrade... Hello all, Even after going through some suggested steps on the Parallels web site, I still cannot get shared networking to work as under Tiger. I'm on a MacBook Pro (2.2 GHz, 4GB RAM, Mac OS 10.5.1) running Windows XP under Parallels 5160 off the Boot Camp partition. I gave my VM 1.5 GB RAM. I've request help from technical support, but haven't heard back from them. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. I would like to download more shows for my BBC iPlayer soon and update virus definitions. Thanks in advance.
Hello iDrinkKoolAid, Thank you for the report. Could you send me as PM the e-mail you used to send us a request ticket for I could find it and get more information on the issue to help you. One of details I'd like to get - which steps exactly did you try to get shared networking to work? I'd also ask you to post in appropriate tread next time. Your question is not related to Leopard issues, is it? Best regards, Xenos
To use your Windows files directly in Mac you should reinstall Parallels Desktop. I posted this in another thread before I saw this thread specific to Leopard issues so I apologize for double posting. I am running leopard and windows xp. I am unable to use windows files stored on my xp VM in a MAC application. Before upgrading to leopard I was able to do this. I am, however, able to open files stored on my MAC when using a program in my xp VM. Thanks
I too am unable to keep shared networking working under leopard. It seems that I can get it to work after a fresh reboot, but not after having put the laptop to sleep. None of windows, linux, freebsd work as guests -- they can't even obtain an IP.
Graphics Problem / Firewall Problem Hi, I have mainly a graphics problem: With Build 5540 my soaring application which is able to display the flight path logged in 3D says that "3D graphics is not available" with all but the least graphics acceleration by the windows graphics driver. This was not the case with build 5160. I already increased graphics memory up to 64MB but no change. And - this was the case under 10.4.10 (Tiger) as well as under 10.5.1 (Leopard). It also makes no difference if Direct3D is enabled or disabled. It's a pity, graphics acceleration worked fine so far... Another Leopard-Issue seems to be networking. I had several application hangs, with the installer of the latest patch for WinXP as well as with my soaring application again. They simply hung. I was able to resolve this as I *dis*allowed incoming connections for Parallels Desktop in the MacOS security/firewall settings. Strange, but it works for now... Just another bug report... - Matthew
Thanks for the help on this issue as it did allow me to see the other machines in Finder. However, after two weeks of trying to work with the latest beta, performance is still way too slow for me to be productive. I tried to log back into Lotus Notes 6.5.4 after being away from my machine for several hours. After 5 minutes, Notes still hadn't come up. I was staring at a white window and the title bar says Lotus Notes (not responding). I couldn't find anything in the VM which would respond, I ended up having to quit Parallels. I have uninstalled Adobe Acrobat 8.1 which was causing very slow response before. Notes still is running no better. I really want Parallels to work well. I don't want to have to explore running a PC via Remote Desktop or having to go to Fusion. I just can't justify the amount of productivity that is being lost waiting on apps to open, print dialogs to come up, etc.
While an unexpected quit *can* certainly cause these problems, it is my experience that they very rarely do. Of the 15 or so years I've worked with Windows (I want them back!! ) I have only experienced this once before. In addition, my experience with Parallels at my employer (2.x and 3.x with local VM - no Boot Camp) is that it is quite fault tolerant if I have to hit the stop button (which occasionally does happen if Windows or Parallels hangs). Certainly nothing serious. I have only experienced the hal.dll errors on my Mac Pro at home using the Boot Camp partition, and hitting the stop button eventually leads to the error each and every time. As to why Windows refuses to shut down, I have no clue. I'm fairly sure it has nothing to do with Parallels, it's just that you hit 'shutdown' and it initially appears to be doing something, but it ultimately does nothing. I've seen OS X do this a few times over the years. Only Linux seems to obediently follow orders in a timely fashion. Sigh.....
Hello all, For network issues please check if you've tried the steps proposed in unit 11 of known issues and workarounds and also please have a look at this article. If neither of this would help, please provide us with more information (PD build, Mac model, Mac OS configuration, RAM, when exactly you start getting the problem etc.) krayola, repairing network connection in Windows should help (Start -> Control Panel -> Network connections -> right-click the icon -> Repair). In Linux try running in Terminal sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart. whuff, please look if there is a check in the box at All Windows disks in Shared Folders in Configuration Editor. It should be there to let you using windows files stored on VM in MAC application. mschue and wmumpower, thank you for the reports on beta-version. cameron, Windows work has to be finished properly to let the files that had been used by Parallels to address correctly to Boot camp after you finished working in VM. If you'd like to stop your Windows refusing to shut down, try the following: 1. Step One Reset the time Windows needs to shut down programs by opening REGEDIT, and navigating to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\.' Highlight the 'WaitToKillAppTimeout' value and Set it to '1000?. Then highlight the 'HungAppTimeout' value, and set it to '1000?. 2. Step Two Reset the application shutdown settings for all users by navigating to 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\ControlPanel\Desktop'. Find the 'WaitToKillAppTimeout' value and change it to '1000?. Then highlight the 'HungAppTimeout' value and set it to '1000?. 3. Step Three Cut down on the time needed to stop all services for Windows by using REGEDIT and navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\'. Find the value 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout' and change it to '1000'. Best regards, Xenos
hi, after many hours of work, i finally got networking in parallels to finally work, sharing the ethernet connection my mac. thanks for the help provided. i connect to the internet with my macbook pro via airport at home, so i presume i will have to share my airport connection once i change location from my laboratory to home.
Greetings all. Was wondering if anyone was experiencing some troubles like I have been. Using Leopard and Parallels 5160, about 50% of the times that I have used Parallels so far (since I first installed last weekend), Parallels gets hung up after I hit Shut Down in WinXP. I have also had this happen when I try to Pause my session. I am currently using my Boot Camp partition. Originally I had created a new VM and freshly installed WinXP. I had the problem with this first and uninstalled Parallels as a result (also deleted my files related to that install). After reinstalling Parallels and setting it up to hit my Boot Camp partition only, I found out that I still had these problems. A MAJOR bummer. Please let me know if you have had similar troubles, or better yet, if you know how I can solve my problems! Other background info: my iMac has 3GB RAM with 1.9 of it assigned to Parallels.
Hello SpatialK, Shutting down Windows in Parallels if you use Boot Camp usually takes more time as some operations are processed to let you finish Parallels work properly and let you address to Boot Camp correctly after that. However this should not take too much time. Please try the following: In Configuration Editor go to Hard Disk 1, Advanced tab and click Clear. If this does not help, please repair Windows installation. Waiting for the feedback. Best regards, Xenos
Thanks Xenos. I gave the Clear a try and shut downs are ok. But the Pause of the VM is still causing my VM to beachball forever until a forced kill. Please help me if you can. Thanks.
I am getting the time out error as well, and I am having a hard time getting windows to load. It takes forever (if at all) for windows to load.
Hello, Please, try the workarounds from this list. SpatialK, could you look at unit 15? Hobbitgrl, please look at units 6 and 10. Best regards, Xenos
Networking on Windows XP is not working again. It was working for a while, sharing my 'Built-in Ethernet' to either 'Ethernet Adaptor (en2)' or 'Ethernet Adaptor (en3)' and using 'Host-only Networking' in my Parallels VM. However, rebooting Leopard nor restarting the Windows XP VM does not repair the issue. Please provide help. Thank you.
graphics issue Just installed Leopard the other day and did the X.5.1 update. MacBook, 2g ram, 60g hd Parallels build 1848. The Parallels boot screen's buttons were discolored and when I started up the app, I got <a href="http://ronge.us/Picture%203.png">this result</a>. Haven't seen many, if at all, graphics issues, any help would be appreciated.
Cannot install/upgrade to build 5160 I'm having an issue I saw mentioned here at least once...the installer for 5160 hangs just as the installer script begins. I've tried a fresh install. I've even gone through the steps in a support document - deleting files, repairing disk permissions, restarting over and over, running the uninstaller...IT JUST DOES NOT WORK. I downloaded the beta of this a little while ago, and it did the same thing. I figured it was a beta issue. But today it's happening with the official update the application downloaded for me when I launched. I CANNOT INSTALL BUILD 5160.
Hello, iDrinkKoolAid, please try the following: In Mac - System Preferences - Network - Show: Parallels NAT choose Off for Configure IPv4, click Apply. Then choose Using DHCP and click Apply again. After that show: Parallels Host-Guest, repeat the procedure described above. AgentOrange, please install Parallels Desktop build 3214. gotommy, could you try these workarounds: A. At the moment of freeze, open Terminal application (Applications - Utilities) and execute the commands below: * cd "/Volumes/Parallels Desktop/Install Parallels Desktop.pkg/Contents/Resources" * sudo ./preflight Parallels Desktop for Mac installation will be finished properly. B. 1. Check, if Internet Sharing is enabled (Mac -> System preferences -> Sharing). 2. If Internet Sharing is disabled please turn it on. 3. After that please disable Internet Sharing. 4. Installation will be finished properly. 5. After the installation please enable Internet Sharing if required. Best regards, Xenos
Thanks...after sifting through many other posts in frustration, I did find that workaround you just mentioned and it worked (the first one). I guess I would have liked (and expected, really) for such a specific bug with such a specific fix that was obviously known to exist specifically to have been easier for me to find.