Looking for a status update for audio in Linux

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by JosephB15, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. JosephB15

    JosephB15 Bit poster

    I'm curious...
    Have there been any status updates from Parallels on audio in Linux VMs? It works in Windows VMs. It works in Linux VMs with USB audio devices.
    Is the cause known? Is it a Parallels issue? Is it a Linux issue?
    Mojster likes this.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, do you have an issue with Linux VM?
    Could you collect the tech data once the issue reproduced?
  3. Daniel39

    Daniel39 Bit poster

    Maria, there is no data to collect. The issue is that sound does NOT work in Linux VMs, specifically in Debian 10 ARM as well as the Parallels supplied Debian 10 GNU ARM VM.
    FYI, sound does work in the Window 10 ARM from the Insiders Program.
    ThomasK38 likes this.
  4. ThomasK38


    There is even a KB for this problem https://kb.parallels.com/en/125471
    It's a shame that parallels still does not support audio on Linux (important type of guest OS...) after all this time M1 has now been around and there is not even a status update or official communication when to expect it, nor do staff seem to be informed about such an important issue.
    I successfully tried USB audio devices (headphones and Mic) and still had issues with that (Microphone muted reproducibly after some time x and does not work until I remove and add it again via Parallels controls).

    Parallels User likes this.
  5. JosephB15

    JosephB15 Bit poster

    Hi Maria. Thank you for responding. As others have said, this is a known and universal issue that has persisted since the Technical Preview. I purchased a license back in April, after the Technical Preview, expecting this to be fixed. I am curious why it hasn't. Also, as others have said, sound works fine in Windows 10.

    Since writing my initial post above, I installed UTM (https://mac.getutm.app/). UTM is a free, community-developed, Type 2 hypervisor that uses the native macOS virtualization framework. Curiously enough, sound works fine in an Ubuntu VM created using UTM...

    So, why does sound work in Linux VMs under the free UTM, but not in the commercial Parallels? Maybe I should request a refund.
  6. ThomasK38


    If there persists to be a lack of any communications, I am forced to take first legal steps. I am pretty sure that this (among some other M1 related problems) is regarded a defect at least according to German law (ยง434 BGB), which applies in my case.

    So, Maria, can you give us at least a road map or approximate dates? Since I bought my license there has not even been any update, not in software and not in communications.
    Otherwise, I am afraid I am forced to send a formal notice of defects with an appropriate time period to resolve those (which is usually 14 days).

  7. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello guys, it looks like a known issue that has been already escalated to the Parallels Engineering Team, but unfortunately we didn't receive any technical report from you.
    Without the technical data we will not be able to find the correct root cause of the issue.
    If possible, could you provide us with the technical data and tech report's ID please?
  8. JosephB15

    JosephB15 Bit poster

    Why? It's a known issue that occurs universally across all installations on M1 Macs. Some members of the development team at Parallels must certainly have M1 Macs. Have them generate the technical data reports. There is no need to push this off on your customers.

    Also, as I posted Sunday, an Ubuntu VM that I installed from ISO under the free hypervisor UTM has sound. The problem therefore is not with QEMU or Linux. It clearly is with Parallels. It is up to Parallels software engineers to make this work.

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