I have a medical device that worked perfectly via Parallels with a bluetooth dongle on my old macbook pro. I recently bought the M4 MBP and the device software (RaySafe View) searches but cannot find the medical device. I'm using the same dongle as I did with Windows 10. I've spend hours on remote sessions with Parallels and emails with the device manufacturer. Parallels final answer was the device software is not ARM compatible and the device manufacturer said it is not really a compatibility issue between ARM and RaySafe view, the issue lies between in how well the emulator can mimic Windows. Users can set up the emulations in different ways depending on which emulator they are using and how they set it up, meaning it is more or less impossible to create a Bluetooth protocol for each variety. If that is true, the Parallels support person couldn't figure it out and I watched them try for 3 hours straight. Finding the issues with the Xbox controllers makes me wonder if it could be the bluetooth dongle, even though the dongle works with other bluetooth devices like my Bose speakers.