Mac desktop folders disappeared after granting access persmission to Parallels Toolbox

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox for Mac' started by robbie1, Nov 23, 2021.

  1. robbie1

    robbie1 Member

    my MBPro desktop folders disappeared after i've granted desktop access permission to Parallels Toolbox.
    They must be somewhere, because i can't create new folders with old existing names, but i don't see them and don't know where to find them.
    They are not accessible in Windows 10 either.

    It's MacOS Monterey, Parallels 17.
    Can anybody help? Thanks,
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, did you use the "Hidden icons" option?
  3. robbie1

    robbie1 Member

    You mean: Hidden files? Nope.
  4. robbie1

    robbie1 Member

    the folders are back again. No action on my side... strange
  5. robbie1

    robbie1 Member

    It keeps coming and disappearing. I can't figure out what's going on.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Could you collect the technical report once the issue reproduced and reply us back with the report's ID number please?
  7. JoanV1

    JoanV1 Bit poster

    has this issue been clarified and solved? It caused me a lot of troubles, had to contact Apple Support several times in the end we realised it was due to Parallels. And still I have this problem. If I don't find a solution quick I'll have to deinstall Parallels and use another tool.
  8. JoanV1

    JoanV1 Bit poster

    Hi again,
    apparently I've found the way to solve it.
    - Either deinstall Parallels Toolbox OR ...
    - Disable option of Presentation Mode
    ○ Go to Parallels Toolbox
    ○ klick on the wheel (Setup) icon top-right
    ○ Disable Parallels Toolbox start at new system start (or similar option)(*)
    ○ Then at the dashboard , go to Presentation Mode icon and press on its configuration (the configuration wheel icon is on the Parallels Mode icon top right)
    ○ Disable: When the Presentation Mode is enabled ... "do not show Desktop Files" (or similar option) (*)
    (*) I'm translating into English so the text of the options may not be exactly the same.

    Info about my system setup:
    Parallels Toolbox -- Version 5.5.1 (4410)
    MacOS Monterey (12.6)
    Chip Apple M1 - Apple Silicon (ARM64 architecture)
  9. BruceC12

    BruceC12 Bit poster

    Hi, I just encountered the same problem - totally blank Desktop except for the main drive icon.
    I tried to re-instate all my content from Time Machine but it just kept wanting to duplicate each item so I guessed then that the content wasn't gone - just invisible ...which is when I searched the web for a solution and finished up here.
    I read the post from JoanV1 above and went to Parallels Toolbox as suggested and my fix turned out to be much simpler - somehow the 'Presentation Mode' had been activated so I deselected it ....and everything returned to normal.
    Similar to JoanV1 but simpler fix - maybe the later version of P.Toolbox has added the Presentation Mode button.
    I have a new MacBook Air with M2 chip running Ventura 13.1. Parallels Desktop 18 with Toolbox 6.01.

    Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 12.05.04.png
  10. ToddW8

    ToddW8 Bit poster

    I also just had the same problem. I had been trying to solve it with Apple Support before having someone ask me about recently installed software. That is when the light went on in my head and I found this tread. Here is what I was experiencing:
    1. Parallels is not open. I think this is important to realize. This was happening to my Mac OS without parallels running.
    2. Desktop items show up when I was using my MacBook Pro M1 without an extended screen. (just as a laptop)
    3. When I plugged the external monitor in, all desktop items in the desktop folder disappeared. The external hard drives still showed on the desktop. The desktop items also disappear from the desktop folder. However, if you were to search for one of those items, you can find it and it will show that it is still in the desktop folder.
    4. When the external monitor is unplugged, the desktop and desktop folder will again show all files and folders.

    Because parallels was not open, I did not immediately think that they were connected.

    Here was my fix:

    1. Open parallels toolbox.
    2. Under recent the presentation mode icon showed up.
    3. Click the very small gear icon just to the upper right of the presentation mode icon. The gear does not show up until you hover your pointer over the presentation mode icon. (see image below)
    4. When the presentation mode setting come up, uncheck the "Hide Desktop Files" option under "When Presentation Mode is ON". (see image below).

    Good luck, and I hope this saves someone the trouble I had. Parallels should NOT have this automatically selected since it affects not only "presentation mode" but also second monitors.


    Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 7.28.13 PM.png Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 7.31.47 PM.png

    Attached Files:

  11. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    Please try disabling "Presentation mode" on Parallels Toolbox for the hidden files on desktop to appear again.

  12. ToddW8

    ToddW8 Bit poster

    Thanks, Pramesh. However, I found that completely disabling presentation mode is not necessary, although it will accomplish the same goal. It was only necessary to unselect "Hide Desktop Files" within the Presentation Mode Settings interface.

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