HI, my machine crashed and I can't follow this KB as I think the interface has changed: http://kb.parallels.com/en/121578 There is no Tick Continue without a source and click Continue. so what to do? Thx.
Hi, *Please stop Virtual Machine and then launch the Disk Utility application located in Applications > Utilities. In Disk Utility, click on Macintosh HDD, then click Repair Disk Permissions.Restart your Mac. *You need to free some disk space on your Mac hard drive and repeat operation. To calculate the approximate amount of free disk space needed Please use this formula: Virtual machine's RAM size + video RAM size + 10 MB. For example if you have assigned for your Virtual machine 1024 MB of memory and 256 MB of Video memory you will need to free at least 1290 MB (1.26 GB) of Hard drive space. *Try to start Parallels Desktop application or a virtual machine.