macOS 10.13 high Sierra Support

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by HeikoG1, Jun 6, 2017.

  1. HeikoG1

    HeikoG1 Bit poster

    How can I install macOS high Sierra on parallels 12?
  2. kat

    kat Product Expert

    The easiest way (because high Sierra is a Beta from apple) is to update an existing apple os vm.
  3. Mark17

    Mark17 Member

    Can you elaborate please. I'm a little concerned about the new Apple File System (APFS) and Parallels 12 compatibility.
  4. kat

    kat Product Expert

    Hi Mark17
    I Sent you a PM
  5. TommyW1

    TommyW1 Bit poster

    I have Win10 on parallels on High Sierra, working on old file system, but many quirks and strange crashes of s/w in w10. I hope for Parallels to be as quick as usual to fix these remedies. And yes, I know it's a beta, but.. :)
    I've not dared to upgrade the file system yet. Will be good to get this running when i get the new MBP in 2 weeks...
  6. a_w

    a_w Bit poster

    I've tried to install High Sierra on a Sierra VM. Installation worked fine (including upgrading to the Apple File System APFS) but final reboot failed. I will try again without APFS.
  7. kat

    kat Product Expert

    Make sure Parallels Tools install after update.
  8. FelipeL

    FelipeL Bit poster

    I created a Sierra VM, with an auto-expanding disk, and then I tried installing the High Sierra beta inside it. It fails during the restart process in order to install, it tells me it could not verify the disk for installation.

    I did not select the APFS checkbox to upgrade/change the file system. I also tried this without an auto-expanding disk, and it still fails. This is using the latest Parallels version, with the latest macOS Sierra, and the High Sierra Beta 1 installer.

    What can I do to get High Sierra to work inside a Parallels VM? I really need this work for, and development purposes.

    Any help is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance :)
  9. MarkM7

    MarkM7 Member

    I'm having the same issue. I've installed MACOS in a Virtual machine and then done the upgrade to High Sierra and it just won't install. Saying something about not being able to verify the disk. This is if I tell it to convert the disk or not..

    Can Parallels please resolve this ASAP as the whole reason for Virtual machines is to test Beta Software.

  10. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @MarkM7,
    Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac does not officially support High Sierra that has been made available as a beta yet. We are closely working with Apple on providing official support for High Sierra.

    We recommend you to wait for an update of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac that will be available with High Sierra. Subscribe to to know when a new update is available.
  11. FelipeL

    FelipeL Bit poster

    Any ETA on when it might be updated to work? I mean at least an estimate would help me plan ahead...
  12. TUAWSteve

    TUAWSteve Bit poster


    I just tried an installation. To begin with, I built an all-new 10.12.5 VM and then downloaded the 10.13 installer. It went through the installation process pretty well, then after the reboot this showed up:


    Time to partition my test Mac and try installing High Sierra that way.

  13. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @FelipeL, we recommend you to see this article to know the update summary of Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac Standard and Pro Editions.
  14. a_w

    a_w Bit poster

    How can I install the Parallels Tools install after update if I can't boot High Sierra?

    BTW, upgrading to High Sierra without APFS works fine. But High Sierra runs very slow in Parallels.
  15. TommyW1

    TommyW1 Bit poster

    A tip: Windows 10 update to 16215 fails to install - 7 times - I don't know if it's due to High Sierra as host OS, but i removed parallel tools, rebooted and installed again with success. Then i added parallels tools again as administrator (a must or fails at 10%). All works well, with same limitations as above.
  16. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Seems to be some confusion in this thread.....some people talking about installing High Sierra as a guest VM, and others talking about installing Parallels 12 in High Sierra and running Windows 10 as the guest VM.

    Maybe the thread was meant to be all embracing but the OP was asking about the former.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  17. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Thanks for this...I am half way through my third attempt, will follow your suggestion if it fails again.

    EDIT: third attempt failed, uninstalled Parallels Tools, fourth attempt worked. Thanks
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  18. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

    Hi @Mike Boreham,
    Parallels Desktop 12 for Mac does not officially support High Sierra that has been made available as a beta yet. We are closely working with Apple on providing official support for High Sierra.

    For Mac OS X High Sierra VM, there is a workaround: install 10.12 in virtual machine, upgrade without converting Apple FS.
  19. FelipeL

    FelipeL Bit poster

    Any word on this? The whole "Create a macOS 10.12 VM, then upgrade to 10.13 Beta" does not work. Even without upgrading to APFS.

    It's been a few weeks, and, as someone else said, it's the purpose of having virtual machines!!!
  20. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Hi FelipeL,
    You can share an error screenshot and also a problem report to check with the development team.

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