macOS Big Sur, version 11.0.1

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Jan-HugoN, Nov 14, 2020.


How to handle Big Sur with Windows?

  1. Download Parallels again

    2 vote(s)
  2. Install Parallels and windows again

    0 vote(s)
  1. Jan-HugoN

    Jan-HugoN Bit poster

    During the night i updated my iMac, 21,5" with macOS Big Sur. After installation the computer will not allow Windows through Parallels to open. The computer reboots???? What to do?
  2. AndyY1

    AndyY1 Bit poster

    I have exactly the same problem
  3. Same problem here.
  4. AndyY1

    AndyY1 Bit poster

    I have managed to sort this. I shutdown completely. rebooted my Mac. Then made sure
    Parallels was closed. I went to my account page in the browser logged in. Downloaded version 16 of. Reinstalled parallels. It then forced the Mac extension to be registered went into settings did that. Rebooted again and then could log into my windows VM and then it reinstalled the toolkit for parallels. Couple more Reboots from recollection and the windows VM started. Did not have to do anything to the windows VM. Hope that helps.
  5. I did the same thing Andy last night and it worked for me as well. Note that I cast a vote above for "Download Parallels again" as fixing the problem.
  6. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hello, could you please collect the tech report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here?
  7. AndyY1

    AndyY1 Bit poster

    I did the same and cast my vote
  8. AndyY1

    AndyY1 Bit poster

    Unless you can tell me how to retrospectively find and obtain a tech report after it is fixed, I am sorry I cant do that. It was more important I got it fixed as it stopped me working completely. I am sure others on this thread or others who have not fixed it yet will be able to provide it. It was very severe, literally causing the whole mac to crash and then reboot.
  9. MarkD18

    MarkD18 Bit poster

    I'm still stuck. I shut down my MBP, restarted, checked that no Parallels software was running (sudo ps -ef | grep par) and installed from a fresh download. I was not prompted to change permissions for an extension. I still get the "To start the virtual machine restart your Mac first" error. Any advice would be appreciated.
  10. MarkD18

    MarkD18 Bit poster

    I now have Parallels up and running on Big Sur. What I did was:
    1. Open and run df -h /.
    Note: On my machine, my OS drive volume name is on /dev/disk1s2
    2. Take a screenshot/make a note of your volume name.
    3. Boot to macOS Recovery (cmd+R while rebooting/starting).
    4. Run Terminal.
    5. Enter the command: kmutil trigger-panic-medic --volume-root /Volumes/<YourVolumeName>
    replacing <YourVolumeName> with the volume name where Big Sur is installed i.e. /Volumes/dev/disk1s2
    6. Restart your Mac.
    Note that this will force authorization of any software that uses extensions.
  11. MarkusR8

    MarkusR8 Bit poster

    How can I force to shutdown Parallels while it is not running. I updated my macOS with Standby of the VM. Everytime I double-click my VM now it wants to continue VM. This causes reboot after reboot. Or can I just install the new Parallels version while running the VM in standby?
  12. MarkusR8

    MarkusR8 Bit poster

    How can I force to shutdown Parallels while it is not running. I updated my macOS with Standby of the VM. Everytime I double-click my VM now it wants to continue VM. This causes reboot after reboot. Or can I just install the new Parallels version while running the VM in standby?
  13. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, do you men your Windows VM force shut down? Or Parallels Desktop? You can force quit Parallels Desktop from the Activity Monitor for example.
    Please provide us with the details to help you better.

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