macOS Guest Default Memory Allocation

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by Macintosh Rescue, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. Macintosh Rescue

    Macintosh Rescue Member

    The default memory allocation for a new macOS guest should be 4GB based on:
    macOS Catalina the current version of macOS system requirements specify 4GB RAM
    macOS Catalina can be installed from a Mac's recovery partition and Parallels Desktop will allocate 2GB RAM to this virtual machine.
    My own experience of configuring some macOS Servers suggests that when installing a Catalina guest the memory size needs to be 4GB, High Sierra can be 2GB but might struggle at that, and OS X Server Leopard will work fine with 1GB RAM and a single CPU core since it will constantly run at 100% on any cores it is allocated despite my repeatedly reporting this bug.

    Vmware Fusion configures guest machines differently for different versions of OS X and macOS because one size does not fit all. I think it is time that Parallels Desktop worked in a similar fashion and fixed issues with OS X Server Leopard virtual machines. One of the reasons admins virtualise is to keep legacy software supported with modern hardware so this is an important issue.
    MatthewR20 likes this.

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