macOS High Sierra - Upgrade from pd11 to pd13 after fresh OS install

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by CatalinT, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. CatalinT

    CatalinT Member

    I'm a little bit confused about the proper procedure for upgrading from pd11 to pd13 on a brand new macOS high sierra system.
    This is a fresh install of a system where I was running pd11 before. after fresh OS upgrade I installed pd13 but I can't use the pd11 key. so, I re-installed pd11 just to enter the key, hoping I can then upgrade to pd13. but, upon trying to activate pd11 I get an error message "reached max number of activations"!? what the heck!? this is my only machine and now I can't run pd11 or pd13.
    I logged into my parallels account I can see under licenses PD11 1 computer but I can't unregister it from there.
    Is there a way to install pd13 directly after fresh os install and somehow enter pd11+pd13 upgrade keys?

    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Alfena@Parallels

    Alfena@Parallels Pro

    Hello @CatalinT , we have made necessary changes to the activation key for version 13, please reattempt activation and check if it works and then follows the steps provided at to upgrade to version 13.

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