1- KP Log at the end
They happens either when starting a VM (almost 1 times out of 2 or 3) or when the guest os is restarting.
I've been using regularly Windows NT 4SP6a and Solaris 10 and have had the same problem with both OSes.
Once the VM has successfully started I've yet to have any KP... and I've been running both for hours at a time.
Edit: Well that's it... I was running Solaris 10, this time with 1.5GB of ram and I started an Application Server... and Bang!! KP ! (See the before last trace) I had used it until now without a glitch, so this is certainly because I increased the VM memory from 512MB to 1.5GB... Damn!!
Edit 2: Reduced Guest OS memory to 1GB, this time the appserver started all right, but as soon as I tried to use the deployed web application... KP again.. At this time, Parallels had 260MB of real memory allocated... Well I think I'm going back to 512MB for now... Last trace included
Edit 3: Ran Solaris without any glitch for a few hours with 512MB, real memory usage grew to over 300MB without issue. The whole thing crashed down when I tried to start the NT VM...
2. 5 GB on the Mac (2x2GB + 2x 512MB), 512 MB on the guest
Limited the available memory to 3500 with a maxmem=3500
3. Obviously 2 dual-core 3Ghz Xeons
4. Mac Pro
5. Mac OS X 10.4.7 (8K1124)
6. Kernel Version: Darwin 8.7.3
panic.log :
Description : Historique des erreurs graves (système)
Taille : 7.13 Ko
Dernière modification : 13/09/06 21:56
Emplacement : /Library/Logs/panic.log
Contenu récent : ...
0x3e853bf8 : 0xc98383 (0x6fb3d04 0x3e853ec8 0x18 0x73b4e70)
0x3e853d58 : 0xc965c5 (0x6fb3d04 0xc0185401 0x3e853ec8 0xbc6b1ee3)
0x3e853d78 : 0x1f011c (0xb000000 0xc0185401 0x3e853ec8 0x81)
0x3e853db8 : 0x1e706a (0x3e853de0 0x297 0x3e853e18 0x1d0a04)
0x3e853e18 : 0x1def0e (0x7142ad4 0xc0185401 0x3e853ec8 0x81)
0x3e853e68 : 0x3305e1 (0x700a540 0xc0185401 0x3e853ec8 0x665e3e8)
0x3e853e98 : 0x34e8ae (0x700a540 0xc0185401 0x3e853ec8 0x665e3e8)
0x3e853f68 : 0x378fc9 (0x665e3e8 0x73b4e70 0x73b4eb4 0x0)
0x3e853fc8 : 0x19b26e (0x70dbea0 0x0 0x10 0x70dbea0) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
Mon Sep 11 01:04:15 2006
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x003A22B7): getPhysicalSegment() out of 32b range 0x13884b000, len 0x1000, class IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor
Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x3e853428 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x3e85344c 0x131cdf 0x0)
0x3e853468 : 0x3a22b7 (0x3edbc4 0x3884b000 0x1 0x1000)
0x3e853538 : 0x3a4215 (0x8f91f00 0x0 0x0 0x0)
0x3e853558 : 0x3a33a2 (0x8fd1340 0x0 0x0 0x0)
0x3e853578 : 0x68258f (0x8fd1340 0x1 0x3 0x63fde18)
0x3e8535a8 : 0x682646 (0x570bd000 0x0 0x1000 0x0)
0x3e8535e8 : 0x681f50 (0x8fbfc40 0x1000 0x0 0x13bcbc)
0x3e853628 : 0x6831f2 (0x4 0x4 0x1 0x0)
0x3e8536a8 : 0x683296 (0x1 0x297 0x3e8536d8 0x1d166a)
0x3e8536c8 : 0x68272e (0x6c54c10 0x297 0x3e853708 0x6813db)
0x3e8536e8 : 0x682834 (0x6c54c10 0x3e853724 0x8 0x6d987d0)
0x3e853708 : 0x68144e (0x0 0x2 0x3e853a90 0x3e853ab8)
0x3e853728 : 0x1efef3 (0xa000000 0x1 0x2000 0x6d987d0)
0x3e853798 : 0x1e3e14 (0x3e8537c8 0x731fd68 0x3e8537f8 0x1cf80e)
0x3e8537f8 : 0x1de42f (0x731fd68 0x1 0x3e853ab8 0x3e853ab8)
0x3e853848 : 0x1df38a (0x3e853964 0x3e853954 0x3e853864 0x1f748e) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
Mon Sep 11 14:08:28 2006
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x003A22B7): getPhysicalSegment() out of 32b range 0x128235000, len 0x1000, class IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor
Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x3e62b968 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x3e62b98c 0x131cdf 0x0)
0x3e62b9a8 : 0x3a22b7 (0x3edbc4 0x28235000 0x1 0x1000)
0x3e62ba78 : 0x3a4215 (0x6f8ef00 0x0 0x0 0x6d977f8)
0x3e62ba98 : 0xc9767f (0x67fd100 0x0 0x0 0x67fd100)
0x3e62bad8 : 0xc970db (0x67fdc80 0xc1000 0x67fdc80 0x19b7b9)
0x3e62bb18 : 0xc990e0 (0x1c2e1000 0xc1 0x10216 0x3e62bec8)
0x3e62bb38 : 0xc9823a (0x1c2e1000 0xc1000 0x3e62bbcc 0x3e62bbc8)
0x3e62bbf8 : 0xc98383 (0x6e80c84 0x3e62bec8 0x18 0x1)
0x3e62bd58 : 0xc965c5 (0x6e80c84 0xc0185401 0x3e62bec8 0x11cd0e)
0x3e62bd78 : 0x1f011c (0xb000000 0xc0185401 0x3e62bec8 0x81)
0x3e62bdb8 : 0x1e706a (0x3e62bde0 0x297 0x3e62be18 0x1d0a04)
0x3e62be18 : 0x1def0e (0x6f1fce4 0xc0185401 0x3e62bec8 0x81)
0x3e62be68 : 0x3305e1 (0x6d0b770 0xc0185401 0x3e62bec8 0x6c541f4)
0x3e62be98 : 0x34e8ae (0x6d0b770 0xc0185401 0x3e62bec8 0x6c541f4)
0x3e62bf68 : 0x378fc9 (0x6c541f4 0x6c04a68 0x6c04aac 0x0)
0x3e62bfc8 : 0x19b26e (0x6e03760 0x0 0x10 0x0) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
Wed Sep 13 21:56:02 2006
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x003A22B7): getPhysicalSegment() out of 32b range 0x100a11000, len 0x1000, class IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor
Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x3e8cb938 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x3e8cb95c 0x131cdf 0x0)
0x3e8cb978 : 0x3a22b7 (0x3edbc4 0xa11000 0x1 0x1000)
0x3e8cba48 : 0x3a4215 (0x6fcbb00 0x0 0x0 0x64063e8)
0x3e8cba68 : 0xc9767f (0x7b0aa00 0x0 0x0 0x7b0aa00)
0x3e8cbaa8 : 0xc970db (0x699f280 0x400000 0x699f280 0x6d616769)
0x3e8cbae8 : 0xc98d72 (0x3cc9b000 0x400 0x0 0x647fd5)
0x3e8cbb38 : 0xc980a7 (0x6fcdd84 0x18 0x600000 0x199283)
0x3e8cbbf8 : 0xc98383 (0x6fcdd84 0x3e8cbec8 0x18 0x2)
0x3e8cbd58 : 0xc965c5 (0x6fcdd84 0xc0185401 0x3e8cbec8 0x11cd0e)
0x3e8cbd78 : 0x1f011c (0xb000000 0xc0185401 0x3e8cbec8 0x81)
0x3e8cbdb8 : 0x1e706a (0x3e8cbde0 0x297 0x3e8cbe18 0x1d0a04)
0x3e8cbe18 : 0x1def0e (0x7b08294 0xc0185401 0x3e8cbec8 0x81)
0x3e8cbe68 : 0x3305e1 (0x6cfe890 0xc0185401 0x3e8cbec8 0x6ab3dac)
0x3e8cbe98 : 0x34e8ae (0x6cfe890 0xc0185401 0x3e8cbec8 0x6ab3dac)
0x3e8cbf68 : 0x378fc9 (0x6ab3dac 0x6f375f8 0x6f3763c 0x0)
0x3e8cbfc8 : 0x19b26e (0x6e1d000 0x1 0x19e0b5 0x6d79ea8) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
Wed Sep 13 22:54:53 2006
panic(cpu 2 caller 0x003A22B7): getPhysicalSegment() out of 32b range 0x100ca8000, len 0x1000, class IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor
Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x3e84b938 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x3e84b95c 0x131cdf 0x0)
0x3e84b978 : 0x3a22b7 (0x3edbc4 0xca8000 0x1 0x1000)
0x3e84ba48 : 0x3a4215 (0x7077d80 0x0 0x0 0x6405620)
0x3e84ba68 : 0xc9767f (0x6750680 0x0 0x0 0x6750680)
0x3e84baa8 : 0xc970db (0x68ef040 0x400000 0x68ef040 0x6d616769)
0x3e84bae8 : 0xc98d72 (0x69152000 0x400 0x0 0x647fd5)
0x3e84bb38 : 0xc980a7 (0x6e11e04 0x10a33e8 0x0 0x199283)
0x3e84bbf8 : 0xc98383 (0x6e11e04 0x3e84bec8 0x18 0x6faa9d0)
0x3e84bd58 : 0xc965c5 (0x6e11e04 0xc0185401 0x3e84bec8 0xc00)
0x3e84bd78 : 0x1f011c (0xb000000 0xc0185401 0x3e84bec8 0x81)
0x3e84bdb8 : 0x1e706a (0x3e84bde0 0x297 0x3e84be18 0x1d0a04)
0x3e84be18 : 0x1def0e (0x6e34738 0xc0185401 0x3e84bec8 0x81)
0x3e84be68 : 0x3305e1 (0x66af0a0 0xc0185401 0x3e84bec8 0x6d973e8)
0x3e84be98 : 0x34e8ae (0x66af0a0 0xc0185401 0x3e84bec8 0x6d973e8)
0x3e84bf68 : 0x378fc9 (0x6d973e8 0x6faa9d0 0x6faaa14 0x0)
0x3e84bfc8 : 0x19b26e (0x6df9b20 0x0 0x10 0x6df9b20) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
Wed Sep 13 23:13:55 2006
panic(cpu 1 caller 0x003A22B7): getPhysicalSegment() out of 32b range 0x100000000, len 0x59000, class IOGeneralMemoryDescriptor
Backtrace, Format - Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x3e8c3938 : 0x128cdb (0x3c9a14 0x3e8c395c 0x131cdf 0x0)
0x3e8c3978 : 0x3a22b7 (0x3edbc4 0x0 0x1 0x59000)
0x3e8c3a48 : 0x3a4215 (0x705cb80 0x1a7000 0x0 0x6dc0b08)
0x3e8c3a68 : 0xc9767f (0x6890880 0x1a7000 0x0 0x6890880)
0x3e8c3aa8 : 0xc970db (0x688da80 0x400000 0x688da80 0x6d616769)
0x3e8c3ae8 : 0xc98d72 (0x3bf52000 0x400 0x0 0x647fd5)
0x3e8c3b38 : 0xc980a7 (0x6f5e884 0x18 0x200000 0x199283)
0x3e8c3bf8 : 0xc98383 (0x6f5e884 0x3e8c3ec8 0x18 0x658d4a0)
0x3e8c3d58 : 0xc965c5 (0x6f5e884 0xc0185401 0x3e8c3ec8 0x0)
0x3e8c3d78 : 0x1f011c (0xb000000 0xc0185401 0x3e8c3ec8 0x81)
0x3e8c3db8 : 0x1e706a (0x3e8c3de0 0x297 0x3e8c3e18 0x1d0a04)
0x3e8c3e18 : 0x1def0e (0x6f0d294 0xc0185401 0x3e8c3ec8 0x81)
0x3e8c3e68 : 0x3305e1 (0x6d65620 0xc0185401 0x3e8c3ec8 0x6d719c4)
0x3e8c3e98 : 0x34e8ae (0x6d65620 0xc0185401 0x3e8c3ec8 0x6d719c4)
0x3e8c3f68 : 0x378fc9 (0x6d719c4 0x658d4a0 0x658d4e4 0x0)
0x3e8c3fc8 : 0x19b26e (0x69cf340 0x0 0x10 0x69cf340) Backtrace continues...
Kernel loadable modules in backtrace (with dependencies):
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 8.7.3: Wed Aug 16 18:54:06 PDT 2006; root:xnu-792.11.5.obj~1/RELEASE_I386
Last edited: Sep 13, 2006