Major Mouse Issues

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Eric_Kalpakoff, Dec 16, 2014.

  1. Digdug

    Digdug Junior Member

    Yep, this is super annoying. I like when dragging icons over the desktop and they drop in random places... real smooth. It would be nice to have some acknowledgement from Parallels on this issue.
  2. Joel1

    Joel1 Bit poster

    HUGE issue. I submitted a support request a while back and support tried the same mouse setting changes mentioned earlier. Nothing works. This issue makes using Parallels nearly impossible to use - especially when writing code. I won't be upgrading any time soon if they don't resolve this.
  3. Joel1

    Joel1 Bit poster

    This doesn't work. It looks like a LOT of people have tried this with no success. HELP!
  4. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    I've submitted a ticket but it's very difficult for them to recreate via remote as when they are remoted the mouse events are different. When I move the mouse it fails 100% of the time (especially if both monitors are in full screen mode). But when you RDP into the machine, it's fine since software is controlling the cursor at that point.

    Let's keep bumping this thread.
  5. Digdug

    Digdug Junior Member

    Yeah, I'm starting to think this is some fundamental flaw with the software, otherwise it would have been fixed by now. I've gotten to the point where I just expect it to happen and almost have muscle memory to click/drag/reclick/redrag. Its just a drag. I'm not sure why its so hard to reproduce, because its hard not to reproduce for myself. I've seen the videos, and yep, that same thing happens to me.

    If anyone at Parallels tech support actually reads this forum, just do this:
    - Hook up an external monitor. Span all monitors in full screen mode.
    - Put Windows 8.1 in full screen.
    - Type in this forum in one screen, then try and drag an icon on your other screen (don't click once, pause and click again, just drag the icon).
    - Boom, icon was dropped and annoyance ensues. Particular annoyance if you are dragging something and it disappears into some folder because you were dragging across something crazy like windows explorer searching for the correct folder to drop the file into...
    - I can reproduce this behavior every time I try, without fail.

    I will gladly plunk down another 50 bucks for version 11 (which I am sure is right around the corner), but only if this issue is addressed.
  6. RobertW3

    RobertW3 Bit poster

    Still an issue. Tested on 10.2.1 (29006) and still present using a Windows 8.1 VM on Yosemite. Ugh.
  7. DerekU1

    DerekU1 Bit poster

    Hi All - I'm struggling with the same issue.
    I made an interesting, but probably useless discovery: if you directly connect the mouse to Windows (Parallels menu 'Devices', 'External Devices', '<your mouse>'), the problem with dragging seems to be fixed, but the mouse cursor is not visible. I can tell that the responsiveness is fixed, because you can see the selection box when you click and drag in your open desktop, and it doesn't release prematurely or lag. But the cursor itself is invisible.

    I was hoping that the invisible cursor problem is easier to resolve -- please chime in if anyone has any thoughts.
    Even so, it's far from an ideal solution; it would be annoying to have to deactivate the mouse anytime you switch back into OSX.

    Anyway I submitted a problem report, but nothing so far.
  8. wryanthomas

    wryanthomas Bit poster

    I just upgraded to Parallels 10 and I'm experiencing this too. :( I submitted a report.
  9. JimW1

    JimW1 Bit poster

    I just switched from VMware Fusion specifically because that doesn't support USB 3 in Win 7 VM's, while Parallels does (I tested with the 14-day demo first). But I did keep running into this mouse issue, and finally looked into it and surprised that it's been a known issue this long, as the behavior is pretty bad.

    In my case I'm in full screen mode and using the default mouse settings. I just discovered for me, the issue only seems to happen if the drag goes anywhere within the top 40 or so pixels of the screen. As long as the initial click AND ensuing drag do not go into that area, it works fine. Maybe someone else who is having this issue can try and see if the same is true for them?
  10. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    I've been working on this issue for such a long time I've actually gotten it down to being an OSX problem. If you use MS remote desktop, and even in VMWare I can recreate this issue.

    Basically OSX does not release the cursor and when an app has more than one window open, osx sends mouse-move commands on windows that are not visible.

    Try this (easiest with MS RDP app) .Launch the app so that you have the library window and a session open. Make the actual session window bigger than the library window. Put the session app over the library window. Move the mouse around and you will notice the cursor is broken (not correct) if you move your mouse over the library window (even though it's behind the window you see). Now move your mouse cursor in big circles (not sure why this captures it). Then get the library window to be top most. Now it's the other way around. The mouse cursor from the VM acts like the OSX cursor for the library window.

    Multiple developers complained about this to apple, but because so few developers know why this actually happens apple has not fixed it and probably will not. This has existed since snow leopard (or earlier).

    To fix the issue, I basically just moved to windows and using vmware workstation :) Sucks, but works flawlessly and faster.
  11. JimW1

    JimW1 Bit poster

    At least for me, this is not the case. I have VMware and Parallels VM's configured to use my same bootcamp partition; the mouse issue happens in Parallels, and NOT in VMware. On a side note, as a Mac developer for years, I have never run into an OS X cursor issue like you describe in any of the apps I've worked on. Not saying it doesn't happen for you, but at least for me this does not seem to be the issue, and it definitely looks like a Parallels bug.

    Can you confirm if the issue happens for you if you do NOT click and drag into the top 40 pixels of the screen? For me the issue only happens if the initial click OR the drag goes into that area.
  12. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    Download MS Remote Desktop. Launch a VM fullscreen and library window in the backend. You'll see what i mean. Do the same in vmware except for some reason the library screen works, but a second VM will do what RDP does (make one VM full screen and the other windowed to get the same affect). Parallels will do the same thing.

    When you are doing your top pixels thing, do you have another VM running or you have just the one full screen?
  13. JimW1

    JimW1 Bit poster

    Just one VM running, set to full screen. I can do the exact same test (my test, click/dragging in the upper 40 pixels) in VMware and it works fine. My simple test is to just click and drag in the desktop of the VM. That produces a dotted rectangle showing the selection area as you drag. If I initially click or drag into the top 40 pixels of the screen, that's when I see the mouse problem, as the drag rectangle goes away and selects whatever was in the rectangle at that point, as if I had released the mouse, but then it starts a new drag rectangle at the new location. It only happens if I click/drag into that top 40 pixels. I doesn't happen in VMware with an identical test.
  14. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    OK. I see what you mean. I was able to reproduce that from your earlier post. And you are right VMWare does not do that. I guess the mouse issue i'm seeing is different issue altogether.
  15. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    Newest version and this is yet ignored again!!

    Can you guys test to see if maybe yours works now?
  16. enriquein

    enriquein Junior Member

    I was using Parallels 9 on OSX 10.9.5 and upgraded to 10 for the improved Windows 10 support. Since then my Windows 7 and 8 VMs have been suffering from issues when moving the mouse across displays (wether clicked or not). For a second or so I'll see the black OSX cursorDragging and selecting works mostly as expected, but sometimes clicks are sent in a way that makes Windows think I meant to drag. This is especially annoying when trying to select tabs in Chrome or Visual Studio because it will drag them off the main screen. Also sometimes I mean to double click on text to select a word and it will just act like a select-drag and screw the code.

    I'm almost to the point of downgrading back to 9 and just forgetting about my Windows 10 dev VM.
  17. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    There is a slight tiny possibility that this may be an OSX issue although somehow version 9 didn't have. If you ever use MS RDP, it has the same exact issue. It get worse when you have 2 VMs open or 2 RDP sessions open. I've complained about this a lot and had a ticket in version 9. It was fixed in 9, but came back worse in 10. And even worse now the top 30-100 pixels when dragging drops things.

    The simple fix for the black cursor issue by the way, is to move your mouse in huge circles around the screen. Somehow that switches it to work.
  18. enriquein

    enriquein Junior Member

    In my case it takes it exactly one second to change back to the Windows cursor, whether I move it or not. I just downgraded to Parallels 9 to see if I can reproduce it there. It does it as well, however it isn't noticeable at all because it changes back to the Windows cursor in a very small fraction of a second. So if I have to guess, it's probably a timing thing. It wouldn't surprise me if something they implemented to fix an issue on Yosemite inadvertently broke this again (I'm on Mavericks still). I'm sticking to 9 for the time being.
  19. matth1

    matth1 Bit poster

    Anyone try the new PD11 released today to see if it's fixed?
  20. AlekseyM

    AlekseyM Product Expert

    Can't try ALL my VM's say operating system not found when I upgraded. Went back to 10 and it works. Will try again later tonight.

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