Manual install process for modified Parallels Tools source code

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by Evan123, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. Evan123

    Evan123 Bit poster

    Hi -- Parallels Tools install is broken on Linux 5.13 due to a change in one of the structure names. For those who have manually changed the Parallels kernel module source in order to work around compatibility issues with Linux kernels, can you please post the process that you follow to install Parallels Tools manually after unpacking the source tar.gz and changing the code?

    Thank you!
  2. Mark Fine

    Mark Fine Pro

  3. Evan123

    Evan123 Bit poster

    Thank you Mark!

    For anyone else who wanted to run on openSUSE Tumbleweed/MicroOS or another OS with a 5.13 kernel, attached is the patch I am using. I am not a kernel developer, do not understand this code at all, and there is no warranty or support for this patch. However, it seems to work with MicroOS including GUI and cut-and-paste. Shared folders are not mounting and I have not yet worked out why. My procedure is:
    - follow Marks process above for the overall approach
    - on Tumbleweed with transactional server role or with MicroOS, copy the tools package into /opt/parallels-tools because this filesystem is available in transactional updates, and start the transactional-update shell
    - install the update using installer/, because the normal install program has not been translated for systemd and openSUSE Tumbleweed/MicroOS no longer have the compatibility tools like chkconfig available
    - reboot

    I will submit the above to Parallels now.

    Attached Files:

    (GalaxyMaster) and Mark Fine like this.
  4. Evan123

    Evan123 Bit poster

    For those using MicroOS or transactional updates, I had forgotten to mention that will fail to detect systemd because the directory that it checks does not exist in the transactional-update shell. I made this change to

    Shared folders are not working because does not setup the prlfsmountd service, but it is easy enough to make a service file to start. With transactional updates, prlfsmountd will also fail starting because it tries to mount under /media or /mnt, which is not possible with a read-only root. This patch mounts under /run/media instead:
    --- tools/    2021-07-19 21:06:09.163988070 +0800
    +++ tools/    2021-07-19 21:05:13.603988839 +0800
    @@ -35,7 +35,13 @@
    -[ -d "/media" ] && MNT_PT=/media/psf || MNT_PT=/mnt/psf
    +if [ -d "/run/media" ]; then
    +    MNT_PT=/run/media/psf
    +elif [ -d "/media" ]; then
    +    MNT_PT=/media/psf
    +    MNT_PT=/mnt/psf
     # remove all obsolete mount points in MNT_PT dir
     rmdir "$MNT_PT"/* 2>/dev/null
    I am also seeing a ~2 minute hang on start while Parallels Tools installer tries to run and fails because it is modifying the root partition outside of a transactional-update shell. I haven't tried to fix this yet.
  5. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    I guess this time approaches again when I will need to update my patch to support the new kernel (I am running Arch Linux, so I am updating the patch when I get the issue). Thank you, @Evan123 for investigating the DRM part!
  6. james jack

    james jack Bit poster

    If you are face a trubleshot at the installing time then follow the steps. Take a moment to think about these crucial factors before proceeding.A quick snapshot(Get involved>Snap a PhotoTo be able to go back to the previous state prior to troubleshooting, Uninstall or deactivate third-party antivirus software . Restart Windows and then install Parallels Tools (Get involved>Reinstall Parallels Tools). If Parallels Tools fails to work it is possible to move on with the next step. Right-click to remove Parallels ToolsStart menuClick here to go hereApps and FeaturesClick > Select > Find Parallels Tools from the Application List >Uninstall. Restart Windows and then install Parallels Tools (Get involved>Install Parallels Tools(
  7. Evan123

    Evan123 Bit poster

    Hi all -- I built a new VM on Parallels 17 with today's openSUSE Tumbleweed (kernel 5.13.8) and the delivered tools seems to work fine, even with NVME disk which didn't work previously. Rather than apply the patches above I recommend upgrading. For those with a subscription, it is a free upgrade.
    The video.gl3=2 boot flag hack for nodejs apps is still required.
    (GalaxyMaster) likes this.
  8. (GalaxyMaster)

    (GalaxyMaster) Hunter

    @Evan123 , you are correct -- I just upgraded mine and, yes, the tools do everything I need (even the execution of binaries from the shared folders). So, at the time being we don't need to patch :).

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