Mavericks 10.9 not sleeping properly with Parallels Win7 VM

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by BrianMacD, Apr 6, 2014.

  1. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    I've noticed that when I close my MBA that the battery will drain overnight from 100% to less than 10% if my Win7 Parallels VM is running. I've tried a number of different problem determinations with Apple support but they haven't been able to find out what it is. If I suspend the VM prior to closing the MBA battery drain is much less - only 2 -3%.

    Is there any configuration options that needs to be set on the Win7 VM to make it play nice with OSX sleep?

    I'm running Parallels 9 for Mac, Build 9.0.24217 (Revision 979618; Tuesday, February 25, 2014) on OSX 10.9.2 on a MBA late 2013.
  2. CauseR

    CauseR Bit poster

    Hello, i have same issue on OSX 10.9.2 on a MBP Retina 2014.
  3. PraveneN

    PraveneN Bit poster

    I have the same issue on OSX 10.9.2 on MBA. If I suspend or close VM prior to closing the MBA the battery drain problem does not occur.
  4. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

  5. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    Will test this tonight

    I will try this suggestion tonight but I am almost positive that Apple support recommended the same approach with no improvement.
  6. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    KB settings did not make a difference

    I made the changes described in the KB article. There is no difference in behavior. I closed the lid of the MBA with the Parallels Win7 VM running and on battery at 100%. In the morning when I opened the MBA the battery was down to 58%.

    This is a serious problem because if the MBA is closed and then put into a storage sleeve or other container it can heat up to the point where the fans are running and the MBA is hot to the touch when removed from its sleeve.
  7. PraveneN

    PraveneN Bit poster

    This did not solve the problem for me.
  8. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    Bump - update please

    Can we get an update on this problem please?
  9. PraveneN

    PraveneN Bit poster

    This is what I got from Parallels support:


    Thank you for reply. We have escalated your issue to our Development Team for further investigation. They are continually working on issues that are escalated from our Support Team, however do not share an ETA for a fix until one is available.

    If a fix is available it will be included in an upcoming software update. To enable automatic updates, from the Parallels Desktop Menu, select Preferences > General > Download Updates Automatically.

    Since your issue has been escalated to our Developers Request Tracking tool, and is no longer being worked on by Parallels Support, we will be marking this support ticket as “resolved”. The Development Team does not provide individual updates but if additional information is required or a workaround becomes available shortly, Parallels will contact you directly. At this time, no additional actions are required from you.

    Thank you for your time and cooperation.
  10. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    Disappointing but better than nothing

    Thanks for passing this on Pravene - this is better than nothing but disappointing. Issues should be tracked and it is reasonable to expect a specific response when the issue is addressed by development. It certainly should not be marked "Resolved" because it clearly is not. This is almost a cop-out answer.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2014
  11. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    I've also retested this on the most recent update to Parallels - it still does not work properly. The Win7 VM causes battery drain to almost zero over night with the lid closed on the MBA.
  12. BalasubramanianR

    BalasubramanianR Junior Member

    I also have the same issue. When Parallels is not running the mbp goes to sleep properly
  13. GeraldFi

    GeraldFi Junior Member

    I have the same problem on my iMac 27" Mit 2010. The system does not go into sleep mode. So whenever I want it to sleep, I have to terminate Parallels.
  14. marat_t

    marat_t Pro

    Hi folks!

    The current issue is currently under attention and investigation.

    Meantime, please try to disable PowerNap as described here
  15. GeraldFi

    GeraldFi Junior Member

    My iMac (Mid 2010) does not support Power NAP, so thats not an option.
  16. BrianMacD

    BrianMacD Bit poster

    Can I get something from a moderator or anyone with Parallels on this? This problem continues with the latest Parallels update and all Mavericks updates. The only solution is to ensure that the Parallels Win7 VM is suspended before closing my MBA lid. Another solution would be to ditch Parallels and go to Fusion and that is precisely what will happen if the silence from Parallels continues.

    VERY unhappy customer....Brian
  17. GeraldFi

    GeraldFi Junior Member

    You are right. Parallels doesn´t really seem to care about it.

    Unhappy customer too.
  18. pilottim

    pilottim Bit poster

  19. pilottim

    pilottim Bit poster

    Cancel that. Last night it woke up again and this morning it had fully drained the battery.

    Very annoying. Anyone from Parallels care to comment? Is there a bug ID open for this?
  20. rsnewman

    rsnewman Bit poster

    I'm also having this exact issue and have been through all of the troubleshooting steps. I used Parallels 7 with WinXP for two years on the same hardware without this issue. After an upgrade, its almost always happens now. I'm running OSX 10.9.2, MBP Retina Mid2012, Core i7 @2.6GH, 8GB of RAM, Parallels Build 9.0.24229 running a Windows 7 Pro SP 1 VM. Please update when a bug ID is created and especially when a fix is available.

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