Hello everyone. I'm brand new to the forums but a long time Parallel's user. So my first post & topic is the following: I have the latest build of Parallels 8. I had no problems installing 10.9 Mavericks second beta over an existing VM of 10.8. I am up & running. However, the Maps application is blank. It doesn't show me anything in any mode (Street, Hybrid, Sat). Has anyone else had this issue and if so, has it been resolved or have you found a solution? Thanks for the help everyone.
Most likely related to the inexistence of hardware acceleration in OS X Guests (Apple does not give Parallels access to the APi to develop the necessary drivers). There's no workaround.
Hi - exactly the same situation. According to "Specimen" it looks like we're out of luck. Shame: that was one of the features I was interested in playing with!
Hi - same for me however the first version of the developer preview had maps working fine, after the update is now not showing anything even if it allows search, also crashes if trying to switch to the Hybrid or Satellite view.
same issue with maps here, and i confirm what diego said, it was working under DP1, only after DP2 stopped working. another annoyance with parallels running OS X 10.9, is that the finder column view resize from anywhere also doesn't work, it revert to the old style of only resizing from the bottom of the column.
console says : 7/6/13 5:24:44.478 PM Maps[351]: Unable to find hardware accelerated GL pixel format that meets constraints. 7/6/13 5:24:44.480 PM Maps[351]: CVCGDisplayLink::setCurrentDisplay didn't find a valid display - falling back to 60Hz 7/6/13 5:24:44.798 PM Maps[351]: Unable to find an openGL pixel format that meets constraints
Yep, apparently, there's no fallback to software rendering in their code? Apple seems to assume all machines running OS X are hardware acceleration capable, which would be true for the physical machines, not the virtual ones, unfortunately.