MBP crashes when MS Access 365 is closed in VM

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by rof10395, Apr 14, 2019.

  1. rof10395

    rof10395 Bit poster

    I do have a large MS ACCESS DB in my VM with windows 10. If I have this DB open, edit some fields and close it, the whole MAC crashes, an experience I haven't had for years.. the "Blue Screen" of Mac appears and the system reboots. This behavior is not ALWAYS but more and more often occurring in the described circumstances. I do not have any other program running at that timepoint on the MAC.
    Any idea's or anyone else, who experienced this behavior? I have sent the automated crash reports to Apple and parallels.com ...


    System: MBP 15", 2017 - MacOS 10.14.4 - Parallels 14.1.3 (45485) Mac Home Edition.
  2. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, just for check could you please add more RAM to your VM and check the issue.
    Let us know the results.
  3. rof10395

    rof10395 Bit poster

    I had 8GB RAM for the VM when it happened.
    I tried a workaround which at least stopped the crashing every 10 mins...:
    I set up a completely new VM and reinstalled Office (at least that didn't take for ages) and on the new machine (which has a "clean" windows) it seems to work. I will post, if things happen again...


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