I notice there are still Vista video issues listed in the announcement of the 5540 (open beta) build that has just gone up (incl. WMP inside IE). Have you guys made any inroads into the standalone video playback issue described in the thread above.
I'd love to migrate to Leopard, but most importantly, would like the current setup to run Parallels perfectly (and other than this issue, it does!) over the next few months first...
P.S. for those who need a work round like I do (where corporate training is delivered via HTML with .WMVs played through WMP embedded in IE) - is I open the training HMTL in IE, the open the WMV video in VLC (on the OS X host) and run it. The only issue is keeping it sync'd manually as you do not get to use the .WMZ skinning for controlling the video in the web page.)
Last edited: Oct 30, 2007