Menu bar icon sticks out like a sore thumb...

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac Feature Suggestions' started by RichL2, Sep 25, 2019.

  1. RichL2

    RichL2 Bit poster

    It is a small aesthetic thing but would you consider adding the option to set the menu bar icon to the monochrome type more commonly used instead of the critical-alert-red? Seems trivial but it frequently catches my eye as notification when it simply isn't.
  2. JorgeB5

    JorgeB5 Junior Member

    I agree, menu bar icon should never be static red, in addition the Parallels Desktop icon is enough unequivocal to do without any non stop color emphasis
  3. Dmitry@Parallels

    Dmitry@Parallels Parallels Team

    Hey guys, we have updated the menu bar icon in Parallels Desktop version 18.

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