Microphone Audio Quality

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by PatrickD8, Jan 5, 2022.

  1. PatrickD8

    PatrickD8 Member

    I am looking for a way to set the remote audio microphone quality in Parallels Client.
    Does Parallels Client use a compression method for input devices as it does for playback devices?
    I have already tried to improve the quality with GPOs, but without success. Locally the result sounds better.
    The goal is to improve the quality so that speech recognition software works better.

    Best regards
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    I don't think that remote audio "input" quality can be configured in RDP or in Parallels at the moment. The only GPO setting I am aware of is for audio "playback" (i.e. output). If UDP connectivity between the client and RDP server is available, depending on the client OS, client in use (I'm assuming Client for Windows) and RDP server OS, aac should be in use in both directions.
    For reference, the high quality setting for audio "playback" forces the usage of uncompressed PCM data. If the connection between the client and the server is not good enough it might sound good (at times) but the overall user experience will not be that good.
    Out of curiosity, how did you compare the local vs remote sound input? (Did you, for example, do two recordings, one locally and one on the server, transferred the server-side recording to the local machine and listed to both locally?)
  3. PatrickD8

    PatrickD8 Member

    Hello jpc,

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I have already suspected something like that. I have now adjusted the connection setting (Experience) a bit and enabled the setting "Disable RDP-UDP for gateway connections". I am waiting for feedback from the person with the problem.

    So far we have always tested with Audacity. As audio host we used "Windows WASAPI". We made a recording locally as well as on the server and then compared them locally.

    Best regards

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