More crippling keyboard problems in PD4.0

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Wildnight, Nov 18, 2008.

  1. Wildnight

    Wildnight Member

    THE NEXT KEY MAPPING PROBLEM: There is no way to map command-rightArrow (host) to control-rightArrow (guest). First, mapping generally Command (host) to Control (guest) should work, but it does not. The guest OS still interprets the keypress as if the default settings were in place (i.e. windowsKey-rightArrow, where Windows is the guest OS). The next problem is there is no way to enter a 'rightArrow' into the key mapping box. Pressing rightArrow in the box has no effect. So the key cannot be mapped specifically using this tool.

    Worse, whenever by habit the user presses command-rightArrow (or leftArrow), the guest OS fails to provide the expected behavior, **and** the guest OS thinks the default key was pressed (for Windows as guest, the windowsKey), and 'sticks' with that key on, so that the following keypresses by the user are interpreted by the guest OS as being a two-key press, even though the user is only pressing one key.

    I have logged any number of problem reports about this and related keyboard issues since launch and have heard nothing back from Parallels. If you're considering the upgrade you should be aware that this problem makes Parallels Desktop 4.0 almost impossible to use if you type a lot of text.
  2. Flagg

    Flagg Hunter


    I have just checked, and remapping Cmd to Ctrl and Ctrl to Cmd (i.e. both ways), has let me use Cmd + LeftArrow to jump to the beginning of a line and Cmd + RightArrow to the end of it in Notepad, which is mapped to Ctrl + LeftArrow and Ctrl + RightArrow respectively in Windows. A complete set of remaps I wrote about in this thread:

    When swapping two keys, doing it both ways and separately for double (and triple) functional key combinations (like Ctrl + Shift -> Cmd + Shift and viceversa for combinations like Ctrl + Shift + <key> ) is needed.

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