Mouse and keyboard don't work in Parallels

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by premonition, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. missamerika

    missamerika Bit poster

    same problem here, totally frustrating

    I have uninstalled and reinstalled Parallels five times now. At first the keyboard and mouse work, and then they suddenly stop working after a few days when launching Parallels and starting my VM (virtual hard disk, not boot camp partition)

    1. What type of Mac are you using?
    Mac Pro Dual Core, OS 10.5.1, Parallels build 5584, Apple Pro Keyboard (white), Kensington Expert Mouse

    2. Have you installed Windows in Parallels?
    Yes, XP

    3. Did you make any changes in 'Devices' menu?

    4. Did you try to use Ctrl+Alt?

    Please help. Preferably something that won't involve a sixth uninstall/reinstall (twice each, one from the CD and another from the 5584 update...)
  2. Stacey M

    Stacey M Parallels Team

  3. missamerika

    missamerika Bit poster


    I've also deleted the VM and reinstalled the VM twice
  4. djhayman

    djhayman Bit poster

    Hello, i have found myself in a similar situation to many people on this blog. My situation has some slight variants though.

    I installed parallels which then detected my boot camp partition set up to run of it. I then booted into the virtual machine and it said that it installing etc.... The window asking me to activate xp again has come up. However, the mouse does not work but the keyboard does.

    I am running a macbook pro leopard 10.5.2, windows xp and parallels 3 build 5160. I am also using all internal keyboard/mouse.
  5. thrasyllus

    thrasyllus Bit poster

    Still does not work

    I have an iMac, OS X 10.5.2. I am loading Windows XP on the virtual machine. When Windows opens after installation the mouse cannot be captured. I tried Stacey's suggestions and it still does not work.

    I notice that the capture did work in setting up Windows, but once done the capture feature went away.

    Frustrated. I thought Mac's were easier than Windows.
  6. thrasyllus

    thrasyllus Bit poster

    I found the problem.

    The WinXP disk was a Dell OEM disk. I bought a new copy and it installed seamlessly.

    It is now running BEAUTIFULLY.
  7. Bit poster

    I had a similar problem with the mouse and keyboard. I thought there should be an easier resolution then uninstalling. I went to Actions on the Parallels tool bar and "Reset". it worked!!!!!!
  8. Bit poster

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  9. SLYoder

    SLYoder Bit poster

    Hello, I am working on a MAcBookPro 2.5 with 2Gb Ram That came factory installed with Parallels desktop 3.0 and vista business. Everything was working fine till the other day the user got a blue screen on startup concerning the prlfs.sys. I found a post that said to delete that file and then reinstall tools. After I did that I got another stop error c000021a, which I was able to resolve by repairing windows multiple times. I could then boot to windows but no mouse pointer or keyboard. I have tried about everything suggested in this post to no avail. I have uninstalled Parallels desktop with the latest downloaded version. I have also repaired windows several times. The funny part is that if I boot off the Widows CD my keyboard and mouse work perfectly. Any Ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  10. fknbrianphoto

    fknbrianphoto Bit poster


    After reading through 5 pages of solutions that don't work, I figured I would save everyone from scouring the web, since this page is the first hit on Google.

    If you are using Parallels to boot a boot camp partition, you need to first boot into Windows and enable auto login. With this, Parallels is unable to install the virtual drivers needed for your keyboard and mouse to work.

    You can find instructions on how to do this here:

    After you have enabled auto login, Windows should boot and install the virtual drivers, then ask you to restart. I was able to use my keyboard at this point, but not my mouse. After a fresh restart, voila, keyboard and mouse works fine. I hope this saves some of you some time.

    This is just for boot camp running Windows XP SP2, but try it for others, you may have some luck.
  11. hendrick

    hendrick Junior Member

    sorry, can't succeed either solving this problem.
    don't have point 3. com.parallels.*

    running macbook pro

    would like to receive a response before continuing.

  12. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    plug them both in before you start the Mac
    do not install any drivers - especially in the VM

    bacause Parallels tools manages keyboard and mouse (not magic)

    Hugh W
  13. hendrick

    hendrick Junior Member


    mouse ad keyboard are integrated in the Macbook pro) (laptop)
    i'm running XP on parallels and that is where it all stops

    thank you for your reply, though didn't solve the prob.
  14. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I want ask all for whom neither keyboard nor mouse is working
    Did you install USB driver pack for mouse and keyboard?
    Also we need list of software installed
  15. herwin

    herwin Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem on my MacBook Pro.
  16. herwin

    herwin Bit poster

    You need to do rm -rf whatever
  17. Greg Mahler

    Greg Mahler Bit poster

    This fix worked great!

    I too battled the keyboard/mouse fix and this one worked well. (Note, both mouse and keyboard didnt work prior to the fix) Soon as I got past the login, all my drivers installed. I had to use the keyboard only til all the drivers loaded but after that, its been wonderful. I am using previously installed bootcamp as my parallels OS.

    In Windows XP from bootcamp:
    This process can be simplified by clicking Start: run: (type:control userpasswords2):Ok
    Click on the check box disabling auto login above the usernames. When prompted for a user/password, leave it as administrator and keep the password boxes blank. Click Ok Reboot and try parallels again.

    I know how frustrating this problem is, so best of luck. Hope this works for you too.

  18. jamie myer

    jamie myer Bit poster

    two suggestions for Parallels

    OK - so rather than keep trying stuff that doesnt work - would it make sense to:

    a) add more commands to the Virtual Machine > Send Keys pull-down, like how about enter/return & the arrow keys?
    b) set up a download of the disc image for the parallels tools installer so those of us who run fine in boot camp can run the installer there?

  19. DeboraC

    DeboraC Bit poster

    Can anybody help me? Parallel 6.0 does not capture my mouse and keyboard. When I point anywhere on the Parallels window or click, my mouse pointer got lost. I can't even install parallel tools because it does not recognize my mouse and keyboard and I can't click the next button.

    Parallel Masters please help me?

    Since my mouse and keyboard does not work at this moment, I can't install the parallel tools since you have to click the next to proceed with the installation.

    I have a Mac desktop and windows was already installed since I was using Parallels 3 before.
    I have tried CtrL+Alt, Ctrl+Alt+Cmd, everything.

    help? I am trying to remain calm while waiting for an answer to my Ticket [Parallels #1063899].

  20. herwin

    herwin Bit poster

    They were never able to get it working for me.

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