MSI parameter to disable modern design

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by ParallelsU1277, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. ParallelsU1277

    ParallelsU1277 Bit poster

    Is there a MSI parameter to disable modern design of the 19.3 versions?
    Thanks a lot!
  2. Christian Aquilina

    Christian Aquilina Parallels Team

    Hi, yes, there is a parameter to start Parallels client using classic mode
    DEFAULTUICLASSIC=1: Allows installation to use classic UI on a clean machine (version 19.3.1). Please note that you can also use Policies to control this behaviour from console>policies>client options>appearance.

    Is there a reason for using classic rather then the modern? Looking forward to get feedback on your experience with using the modern UI.
  3. ParallelsU1277

    ParallelsU1277 Bit poster

    Hello Christian and thanks for your quick answer!
    No technical reason ... just out of habit ...
    But you´re right why not accept the new UI. Not a problem at all ...

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