MSVCP100.dll is missing arm windows 11

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Elie1, Dec 22, 2021.

  1. Elie1

    Elie1 Bit poster

    I'm trying to play portal 2 on arm windows, but whenever I'm trying to launch it I get this error. The problem is that when googling this error, everything shows for x86/x64 windows, and they suggest to reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable to the latest version, or to install the dll file manually and paste it in the system32. I think that this does not apply to arm windows because I tried all the above solution and non worked. I do have Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 Redistributable (Arm64). I tried getting the x86 and x64 version but none worked.

    What do you think I should do?
  2. VladimirP6

    VladimirP6 Junior Member

    are you using the steam version ?
  3. Elie1

    Elie1 Bit poster

    No, I'm running a pirated version my friend gave me, maybe I should have mentioned that (I'm a student and I'm too broke to afford it sorry). The pirated version include portal 1, and it runs perfectly. If it's relevant my friend gave me fitgirl repack potal collection, which includes portal 1, 2, and many other stuff like vr and whatnot and they all run except for portal 2
  4. VladimirP6

    VladimirP6 Junior Member

    try using dll-files website and paste dll file in system folder(syswow64 or something), if it doesn't work try dodi repacks or steamunlocked, if this also doesn't work try buying steam version and install it and then refund the game because steam installs all necessary files like this.
  5. Elie1

    Elie1 Bit poster

    Thank you for your reply. I went and bought it because my comment was awaiting mod approval and it took too long so I assumed it wouldn't get approved since I mentionned pirating. It was 80% or 90% on sale so I only paid like 1 or 2$. But thanks for this I'll keep it in mind for future games I might pirate.

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