Multiple Displays on WIN 10 client

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by MarcS12, Mar 18, 2019.

  1. MarcS12

    MarcS12 Bit poster

    am using the RAS to access application and folders at our HQ in the US.
    I am using 3 Displays (laptop origin, 2 external) connected via a docking station. Running a Dell XPS 15 9570 with an onboard graphic plus a Nvidia chip. My operating system is win 10. I face no problem with any other app etc. but when I open the application or folder via the RAS client, they automatically spread across the 3 displays so I can't really use them.
    I tried a lot of settings and combinations within the RAS Client (DPI, show just on main display, desktop session on all displays etc.) but can't manage to limit the application to be shown on just one display.
    Any thoughts and ideas?
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    This should not happen with the default settings.
    If you have RAS policies enabled, I would suggest to test with the RAS policies disabled (server-side) and with a new RAS connection from the windows client.

    If the issue persists, please specify the Server's OS version and the RAS Client version.

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