Multiple Processor Support

Discussion in 'Feature Suggestions' started by Specialmoves, May 31, 2007.

  1. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Beta 4 will be available in a month or so
    Multicore will be supported from the begining,
    Other features will be available either from the begining or in subsequent builds
    For now I am not able to provide more information
  2. hsdajr

    hsdajr Bit poster

    Re: Windows And Multiple Processor Support

    I'm not current with regards to the internal structures of Windows 2000 on up , but I remember that in the NT4 days you had to specify during the NT install if you wanted multi-processor support. You'd have to reinstall NT4 if you wanted to go from single processor to multi-processor support. Is that still true for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista?

    I ask because I have a specialized app that I use that has only been certified to run on Windows 2000 Server, and I'm wondering if I'll receive much improvement from just updating Parallels, or if I would have to reinstall Windows 2000 Server (which may or may not be an option - this program has a HORRID install, part automated, part manual, lots of knuckle-busting).

  3. RandallC

    RandallC Bit poster

    It seems that your competitors at VMWare are pulling ahead at the moment, especially in regard to the multi-core issue. I am sorry to say this, but if I have to pay an upgrade fee to get that feature (by purchasing version 4) I will have to seriously consider moving to the VMWare Fusion platform. You guys are lagging behind right now substantially, please keep us updated on your progress.

  4. RandallC

    RandallC Bit poster

    Hi John,
    Any updates on this?
  5. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Not yet, I will post notification, when there will be any news

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