I am indeed referring to the built-in Mac speakers.
I was also thinking along the same lines as you, so I uninstalled Soundflower completely (it was quite an ordeal since I was not able to find the files in Finder - I had to use the Terminal to delete the directories). I found that not only did it not fix my issue, but now OBS did not recognize ANY of my sound devices (not even my built-in ones).
After further research, I found that this seems to be a Mac issue (or trait - seeing as it's true on all Macs and has been since forever). The fact is: OBS (or any recording software) on Mac
requires an extension such as Soundflower in order to record the desktop audio
at the same time as it plays it through the speakers. So in reality, I actually uninstalled my only hope at achieving what I wanted to achieve. I just had the configuration wrong in the Audio MIDI setup (had never touched it before now, so default settings
do not work).
I am still perplexed as to how yours was working.
However, in short, this means this is
not a Parallels issue.
I am sure others who use Parallels (and other Mac users) have run into the same situation I have. As such, I would like to use this thread to post a quick guide with screenshots when I get the time. I can either add it as an edit to this post, or reply one more time to this topic with the guide. Whatever you think is best.
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