My "parallels" changing to windows 8 clock by itself

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by BilalT, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. BilalT

    BilalT Bit poster

    My "parallels" changing to windows 8 clock by itself.
    while mac-os x time16:00 (and win 8 time is same) suddenly parallels changing to win 8 clock to 19:00.

    I done : parallels options>advance>time> either "snyc with mac os" or "dont sync". It didn't work for this problem.
    I opened windows time auto sync and I closed it. Both of them didn't be a solution.

    What can I do about this problem???
  2. Mojito71

    Mojito71 Bit poster

    Got exactly the same problem. I've tried different solutions, but none is working. This is quite frustration because of eg Skype, where the message order get messed up
  3. BilalT

    BilalT Bit poster

    Is the skype do this problem? If I close it, will problem stop?
  4. Mojito71

    Mojito71 Bit poster

    I can test it, but it seems that it happens when I go back and forth between osx desktop and parallels (windows).
  5. kat

    kat Product Expert

    Hi BilalT,
    Is your Windows vm set to the correct time zone?
    To check this go to Control Panel>Date and Time>Date and Time.
    If your time zone is not correct Select: Change time zone..>then select the proper time zone from the drop down menu. >click OK> then click Apply
  6. BilalT

    BilalT Bit poster

    Yes, it is correct time zone. Must be another problem. But what kind of???
  7. Mojito71

    Mojito71 Bit poster

    The Time zone is correct in both osx and win8 :)

    And it seems that its not related to Skype, while typing this message the clock changed +2 hours for some seconds, and then back to correct time.
  8. BilalT

    BilalT Bit poster

    Any parallels expert (authorized) hear us??? This is a serious problem and I can't use my parallels... What is the problem??? Why clock moving by it self?
  9. kat

    kat Product Expert

    Have you tried to reinstall Parallels tools?
  10. BilalT

    BilalT Bit poster

    Yes, two weeks ago... There is no change...
  11. kat

    kat Product Expert

    What version of Parallels are you using?
    When was the last time you updated Parallels?
  12. BilalT

    BilalT Bit poster

    I install it, in april's first week. Is there a new version?
  13. kat

    kat Product Expert

    The latest version of Parallels 8 is: Build 8.0.18483
    To check your version number to to Parallels Desktop>About Parallels Desktop.
    You can also check for updates from this location.
  14. Mojito71

    Mojito71 Bit poster

    Yes I got the latest version, and the problem still persist :)

    Any new thoughts?
  15. jxmallett

    jxmallett Bit poster

    I'm having the exact same problem. The clock is right 95% of the time but for ~2 minutes each hour it's wrong. I've tried all of the suggestions above.

    I have noticed one thing though: I'm in Brisbane, Australia (GMT+10). When the clock jumps to the wrong time it jumps 10 hours ahead. So it's like OSX, also set to GMT+10, is saying "the time is 9am (GMT11pm + 10hrs) and Windows thinks "the time is 9am, now I'll add 10 hours to account for the timezone, so it's 7pm".

    Not sure why it's only wrong for 2 minutes every hour though. It could be a clash with Windows syncing the time from the internet (which it does by default) and then Parallels pushing the time from OSX but setting Parallels to not do this doesn't seem to change anything.
  16. ThempuS

    ThempuS Bit poster

    Updated to parallels 9 hoping that they would finally have fixed this bug but it is still happening. I'm in Australia as well.
  17. pedro.fcl

    pedro.fcl Bit poster

    This has been happening for a while now. Please provide us any thoughts on the status of this fix.

    This is specially important for me because I work as a consultant for different companies from my office and I keep track of my work time with Grindstone. Everyday Grindstone gets the wrong time for at least one task and have to correct it manually. This is REALLY annoying and does not happen when the BootCamp partition is used via Boot Camp.

  18. pedro.fcl

    pedro.fcl Bit poster

    I have tried to reach the support team, since it seems to be a bug but I could not do it easily. It seems a hell of burocracy to get support here and it seems I have to pay something for it.

    I have been using Parralles since version 4. And I now that I need support I don't have it.

    That's it. I'm migrating to VMWare or Virtual Box.......
  19. jxmallett

    jxmallett Bit poster


    I think this may finally have been fixed. I'm now running Parallels 9 and Windows 8.1 and haven't noticed the time problem in a week. I used to happen every hour.

    The Parallels VM is set to sync time from OSX and Windows has 'Set time automatically' turned off.

    Best to upgrade to Parallels 9 BEFORE you upgrade to 8.1. I did it in the reverse order and my VM stopped working. I had to delete it, make a new one, and reactivate Windows (over the phone, for about the 100th time).
  20. Bruce Brown

    Bruce Brown Junior Member

    I've got this same issue also. The windows clock keeps getting off by an hour even though it's set to sync with the OSX clock which is fine. I'm running Mavericks and Parallels build 9.0.23140 which is the latest update to P9.

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