My Windows 11 is no longer on the Insider programme

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by Mike Boreham, Aug 31, 2021.

  1. GiovanniM7

    GiovanniM7 Junior Member

    I see...
    Thank you for your comment. Also, since this is your first post, welcome to the forums!
  2. EmulatorB

    EmulatorB Bit poster

    Thanks. Did not wanted to sound harsh, I'm in the same situation. Even got an email just now about that from MS. Want me to revert back to W10 :/
    GiovanniM7 likes this.
  3. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    I don't think anyone knows what will happen if you do nothing, which is why I started the thread. It is kind of a limbo situation at present.
    I and a few others have got back on the Windows Insider Program by running the script mentioned in posts #14 and #15 above. So we will receive Windows 11 updates until the next change in the situation.
    Note I am on Parallels 17. Anything Parallels does to make Windows 11 ARM VMs more compatible is much more likely to happen in Parallels 17 than 16.
    CarlosR29 and Harry12 like this.
  4. BobW11

    BobW11 Member

    My only guess would be we will get dropped from support or installs of any kind (insider) once this is released. Given we can't install Win 10 from an official ISO I think our time here is limited.
  5. BradB7

    BradB7 Member

    You are most welcome! Always happy to help us all who are navigating through these waters together. I just don't want to have to reinstall when my license code was automatically flighted up to Win 11 because those of us on ARM had to use the "unofficial" Win 10 OEM ARM in a VM, bought a full license for 10 pro to use with it and then get 'stuck'.
  6. BradB7

    BradB7 Member

    I *did* get a response on an Apple Silicon M1 thread, but it was the usual "working on it" answer. Many of us submitted technical reports and it is just sad to not get further info on a timeline of the fix, etc.
  7. SerMont

    SerMont Member

    Again problems with this windows......
  8. Cray

    Cray Bit poster

    Microsoft is very specifically detecting and rejecting Apple Silicon CPU. Looks like the issue is not related to TPM2 support or any other component of virtualized environment.

    Currently insider dev builds and new PC Health Check tool (also preview) only list Qualcomm CPUs as compatible for arm64 Windows 11.

    I can only imagine pain Qualcomm is feeling when Apple Silicon is currently hands down the *fastest* CPU for running Windows 11 arm64 - even through virtualization!
    Qualcomm and Microsoft are collaborative partners so it would't be very suprising if Qualcomm have influenced the decision to stop supporting Apple Silicon (M1) at this point.

    So.. either Microsoft adds Apple Silicon arm64 to the list of supported CPUs .. or .. Parallels has to do something crazy like spoof CPU identifiers in their virtualization layer.

  9. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    A bit relieved to just get my first new Windows 11 OS update (and Defender Update) after getting back on the Insider Programme with the OfflineInsiderEnroll script. Screenshot 2021-09-03 at 09.48.57.png
  10. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Hallo Mike, auch bei mir wurden soeben diese Updates heruntergeladen und erfolgreich installiert. Und das, obwohl ich nach den Meldungen im Programm und der Mail von Microsoft, dass mein PC für Windows 11 nicht geeignet ist, gar nichts gemacht habe und dementsprechend als Insider rausgeflogen bin!!! Muss ich/man das verstehen??
  11. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Yes very surprising! So even though you have been removed from the Insider Program (like everyone else here), and have not rejoined with the OfflineInsiderEnroll script, you have received these updates in Windows Update.
    Hopefully some others will discover the same as you.
    A lot we don't understand about this situation!
  12. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Es wird bei mir jetzt auch die Version 21 H2 (Build 22000.176) statt 22000.168 angezeigt!! Also bis jetzt alles so wie vorher als Insider !!??
  13. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    I see the same, and in Update History I see this:
    Screenshot 2021-09-03 at 10.52.36.png
  14. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Ihr Update-Verlauf absolut identisch mit meinem als nicht mehr Insider :)
  15. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Maybe Microsoft are applying a "period of grace" for the removal from Insider, and still giving Insider updates for a week/fortnight/month?
  16. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Did you rejoin Insider with the OfflineInsiderEnroll script?
    I used the script and was able to select Dev or Beta, I close Beta. What do you see on your machine here? :
    Screenshot 2021-09-03 at 11.07.41.png
  17. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    Ich habe doch heute noch den neusten Build 22000.176 erhalten, obwohl ich in keinem Preview Channel mehr bin :)
    AndreasK27 likes this.
  18. Mike Boreham

    Mike Boreham Pro

    Have you received 22000 build 176, like Harry12 has?
    That might be the explanation of why Harry12 is receiving updates even though he has not rejoined Insider. Dunno!
  19. Harry12

    Harry12 Member

    nur zur Info - bei mir läuft Win 11 noch unter Parallels 16,5,1, und wie gesagt, ganz ohne Insider Chanal
  20. MatthiasE5

    MatthiasE5 Hunter


    is anybody active in some windows insider forums where you can actually talk to MS people -- or even to the Amanda Langowski / Brandon LeBlanc. I really whished they would pave the way to us Windows fanboys on Mac hardware so we can purchase and continue using Windows for ARM. I think it would renerate could press for them and actually be a strategic step, as it communicates that windows is superior to macos as people really want it on mac. I have purchased a pro license of win 10 by the way.

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