MySQL Connector / ODBC for Win 11 ARM

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by PeterM53, Feb 22, 2022.

  1. PeterM53

    PeterM53 Bit poster

    Title says it all. Can't figure out how to get this to install on Win 11 image without error, just looking for the MySQL ODBC drivers to install.
    StevenK3 likes this.
  2. BenA10

    BenA10 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    I found this thread while fighting the same issue, and I found a work-around that doesn't require the CData driver :D. I was at the point of giving up when I discovered that I can successfully configure data sources through Microsoft Access, which is included with Office 365. I am using the MySQL ODBC 8.3 x64 driver.

    Steps (see attached screen shots):
    1. Create a new database, select the "external data" toolbar, and add a new ODBC database data source
    2. Select "Link to the data source by creating a linked table"
    3. In the "Select Data Source" window choose the "Machine Data Source Tab" and then click the "New..." button. I get an error about administrator permissions but I dismiss it and can still add a user data source.
    4. Select MySQL ODBC 8.3 ANSI Driver and configure as you normally would in the system tool!
    I am able to view the SQL tables from within Access. Alas, my end application (Altium) is still having problems, but I think that's a second issue (maybe because "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers" is missing).

    Hope this helps!
    RichardD34 and StefanS50 like this.
  3. Amanda1

    Amanda1 Bit poster

    i'm going through the same problem, someone got some solution for odbc mysql arm on mac m1?
  4. StevenK3

    StevenK3 Bit poster

    Ditto It would be nice..
  5. Amanda1

    Amanda1 Bit poster

  6. StevenK3

    StevenK3 Bit poster

    Amanda1 - You are amazing! Thanks so much bam we are working!
    Amanda1 likes this.
  7. AlejandroC13

    AlejandroC13 Bit poster



    This is not working for me.
    I download and install
    Then I download and install

    When I install odbc mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.29-winx64 I get an error 1928

    Any sugguestions?

    Working on Windows11
    M1 chip
  8. JohannesS8

    JohannesS8 Bit poster

  9. RandallQ

    RandallQ Bit poster

    I installed the 32-bit connector as per Amanda1. It did work and I was able to create a 32-bit DSN. However, Excel DSN connector wouldn't work due to a 64-bit / 32-bit mismatch.
    After some more trial and error, I got the 64-bit driver working, but didn't know what exactly worked. ODBC Data Source Administrator was showing a 32/64-bit driver.
    What worked for me after starting from scratch was installing:
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.32.31332
    • mysql-connector-odbc-8.0.30-winx64.msi (when errors pop up, click the ignore button and complete the install)
    I have pulled data from my website's MySQL server using an Excel power query ODBC DSN connection.

    Attached Files:

  10. WilliamE7

    WilliamE7 Bit poster

    same here
  11. ChristopherM22

    ChristopherM22 Bit poster

    Hi there all. This problem is really pissing me off. No amount of trying to install the X64 version fails every time with error 1928. I can install the 32bit version and get it to show in the ODBC data sources using %systemdrive%\Windows\SysWoW64\odbcad32.exe but it will not actually connect to the database i'm trying to access through visual studio. I can see that RandallQ has it installed as an ODBC data source but is this running under arm or intel. I can get the intel version working easily on parallels but no luck with the M1.
    JayS12 likes this.
  12. JayS12

    JayS12 Bit poster

    a few weeks ago I posted the correct steps on how to fix the issues even if you installed already some drivers, unfortunately not sure why, my post has not been posted in the forum
  13. RandallQ

    RandallQ Bit poster

    I'm running on a Mac Studio M1 Max.
  14. AlejandroC13

    AlejandroC13 Bit poster

    Here, I have tried everything. Any idea? I am running M1

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  15. MihailM1

    MihailM1 Bit poster

    I have same problem, Error 193. Any detailed instructions on how to overcome this, please?
  16. RichardH43

    RichardH43 Bit poster

    I too have the same problem. Error 193 happens on the installation of the MySQL x64 ODBC Driver installation (ignored) and also when attempting to add the driver with the 64 bit ODBC Administrator. I Searched for what the Error 193 means which indicates a mismatch between 32bit and 64bit. I have the 64bit C++ Redistributable installed. The driver does not show up in the Add list of drivers using the 32bit ODBC Administrator. Another suggestion I read was to run the msi installer as administrator. Done that, didn't work. Nothing I have tried will work to get a 64bit ODBC driver working. I have successfully installed a 32bit driver but that does not work for PowerBI which requires a 64bit driver. I even got a trial version of a commercial ODBC driver that claimed it would work but still get this error and no successful 64bit ODBC driver.

    What does one have to do to get a 64bit ODBC driver installed under Parallels?
  17. DamaniB

    DamaniB Bit poster

    Guys... I got this working on my M1 Max Macbook Pro running the latest Ventura 13 and latest Parallels version.

    1. Download the x86 Visual C++
    2. Download Windows (x86, 64-bit), MSI Installer drivers
    It'll install without error 193. You won't get any errors at all. From there just open up ODBC and setup your connection as you typically would.

  18. RichardH43

    RichardH43 Bit poster

    I had both x86 and x64 latest vcr installed. When installing the (x86, 64-bit) MySQL ODBC connector, I get the 193 error twice, pressed ignore twice but it did continue to finish. When installing the driver with ODBC Admin got the error 193, no driver available for a DSN. I removed the x64 vcr and tried again. Got an error that vcr x64 is required, driver not installed. Installed x64 vcr and removed vcr x86. Again, when installing the latest version of MySQL ODBC driver, got the 193 error twice on install but ignore allowed it to continue. Tried to install the driver with ODBC 64 Admin but got the error 193. Still no success with 64 bit driver. I have yet to install Ventura. I will try that next.
  19. RichardH43

    RichardH43 Bit poster

    Updated to Ventura 13.0.1 and tried again. Still the same. No joy.
  20. JohanB5

    JohanB5 Bit poster

    I've same problem. Error 193.
  21. MihailM1

    MihailM1 Bit poster

    There is no way you were able to install 64-bit MySQL Connector with x86 Visual C++ Redist...

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