Network problem with MS OneNote

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by ValentinS, Dec 27, 2009.

  1. ValentinS

    ValentinS Bit poster

    I got Parallels Desktop 5 on my MBP with Windows 7 installed.

    Microsoft OneNote can't sync with notebooks placed on my mac which look like being on a network drive for it. It says "The handle is invalid error 0x6" for every section in my notebook. Anyone has an idea how to resolve this?

    It's gonna be something with emulation because on my other machine with Windows 7 everything is fine.
  2. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    Whether problem still persists If you place notebooks on some local drive for VM (hard disk or USB flash). I doubt that problem related to network emulation. It can be some virus on your VM Win7 which not presents on another Win7 machine yet.
  3. ValentinS

    ValentinS Bit poster

    It works if saved on disk C.
  4. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    hmm, it's interesting. Could yo uplease specify what are you meaning under network share: it's ".psf" under Windows or your own network share shared on Mac through Samba and mapped under Windows manually?
  5. ValentinS

    ValentinS Bit poster

    yep, it's .psf in my mac's home folder
    neither from .psf or mounted as letters (z:, y:) don't work
    it works with a local folder on disk c:
  6. RaymondL

    RaymondL Bit poster

    same problem

    i also can't sync using onenote in parallels. i have an external hard drive, and everytime i try to sync, i get an "incomplete sync" message, and the notes go into misplaced sections. it's clearly a parallels issue, since onenote syncs perfectly on multiple other purely windows based computers. any thoughts?
  7. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    What version of OneNote do you use? Please write an exact version.
    What guest OS do you use? Please mention about 32/64 bit.
  8. ValentinS

    ValentinS Bit poster

    OneNote 2007 Trial 12.0.6415.1000 SP2 MSO
    OneNote 2010 Beta 14.0.4536.1000

    MS Windows 7 Ultimate 6.1.7600 32bit

    Same for both OneNote versions. 2007 one just doesn't give details.
  9. alexg

    alexg Parallels Developers

    Thank you very much. I was able to reproduce the error. Will studying the problem.
    Note: I see the notebooks are updated but the error is shown. Is it?

    Workaround: store your notebooks on local disk C: inside VM
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2009
  10. ValentinS

    ValentinS Bit poster

    yeah, but I can't backup it with timemachine and can't copy elsewhere without starting Parallels Desktop

    when I create a notebook in OneNote 2007 looks like it's trying to sync it buy loops saying "Waiting to sync this section. Another OneNote program created it but has not yet uploaded the content."
  11. RaymondL

    RaymondL Bit poster

    OneNote Sync Problem

    The error message when I try to sync actually reads:
    "incomplete sync" under "progress tab", and "some sections could not be synchondrized" the notebook has a yellow exclamation icon by its name, rather than a green sync icon.

    if the work around means saving it to the laptop's own hard drive with a .psf file extension, it is not that useful, so i need to sync the information with an external hard drive so i can use it at work(pc laptop), but thanks.

    unfortunate problem, since i only bought parallels to run onenote. thanks.
  12. ianr0ss

    ianr0ss Bit poster

    Some good news, some bad news

    I've been battling the very same problems and after a fair bit of testing, I believe this issue is more related to OneNote attempting to sync its cache with a folders shared from within OSX, rather than with Parallels itself. I've successfully been able to replicate the problem without Parallels being involved - this is what I've found:

    OneNote files on local Windows disk (on PC or in VM) - OK
    OneNote files on Windows network server - OK
    OneNote files on OSX folder share (accessed from PC or VM) - Fail

    Interesting thing is that it used to work, so it's something introduced either with OneNote SP2, or OSX 10.6.2 but seemingly not with Parallels.

    Still working on a creative workaround that lets me manage OneNote on Mac and PC simultaneously ...
  13. James Rogers

    James Rogers Bit poster

    Any update on this?

    I have a similar problem, with network drives and sync of files on Onenote. Has anyone found a solution for this?
  14. cryhavok79

    cryhavok79 Bit poster

    Any update?

    Hi there,

    I am also experiencing the same problem. The short term workaround of moving it to the local "C" drive in Windows works fine but is there a long term, permanent solution to this yet?

  15. drtech

    drtech Bit poster

    I was able to fix OneNote using this procedure. You need to run this on each section that is reporting the error. This means opening and closing OneNote several times. But once it is repaired, it does not need to be repeated.

    Follow "Method 2" in the following link: This is easier to do using a Command Prompt if you feel comfortable with text commands than with the "Run" method they suggest.

    Data Recovery Technician
  16. mikeravi

    mikeravi Bit poster

    Onenote Not Syncing

    Hi, This looks like its a Parallels issue as Onenote works perfectly fine one my Windows desktop. Onenote's errors only come about when a sync is done. The quickest workaround is to switch off sync on Outlook. Has Parallels been able to fix this problem?

  17. vasilyz

    vasilyz Parallels Developers

    There is a problem in Parallels Shared Folders. One more workaround is to keep your OneNote notebooks out of Parallels Shared Folders. We are working on the problem.
  18. mrscholar

    mrscholar Bit poster

    I'm using OneNote 2010 and had no luck using the suggested methods. As a work around I setup a second dropbox account for my virtual machine and setup syncing with only the folder that will hold my OneNote Notebooks for my Mac. Problem seems to be mitigated. When you update your notebooks you should get instant syncing to dropbox and be able to access it from any other computer by either sharing that folder or downloading the file via

    *Make sure you keep your dropbox folder on your C: drive otherwise you'll end up with the same problem.
  19. joevt

    joevt Forum Maven

    Did you use Parallels shared folder (\\.psf\theparallelssharedfolder\) to access the notebook on your Mac's drive or did you try using the Mac's Windows File Sharing (\\Mac's.IP.Address\theMac'sWindowsFileShareFolder\) ?
  20. mrscholar

    mrscholar Bit poster

    I used neither. I installed dropbox separately on OS X and placed the folder under Users/username/Dropbox. So instead of them accessing the same file, Parallels/windows is accessing a file on the C: drive which is syncing to the Dropbox cloud and then being synced down to the OS X folder.

    The only problem I can think of at this point is if you edit the Notebook in parallels while not being connected to the dropbox server online. I can see an instance where you would make changes to the Notebook on one computer with internet access, it wouldn't sync to the cloud and before it has a chance to sync, you access the same notebook on another computer and make changes. Because the first changes never sanc? (synced?) it wouldn't be visible from the other computer and editing it from another computer would show a more recent edit timestamp. Thus when you went back to the unsynced? version it would be replaced by the edited version. Kind of convoluted but hopefully that makes sense.

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