Networking connection for parallel 5

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by Hoh, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Hoh

    Hoh Bit poster

    Hi all expert there, I need enlightenment. I am a newbie.

    I have 2 PCs, a WHS and recently bought a Mac.

    My house networking: All PCs and MAC are wireless connection to a DLINK DIR855 router. The WHS is wired and a usb printer is connected to the router in the router's shareport.

    Before i got the MAC, everything works fine, 2 PCs installed with the Dlink's usb shareport utility. They are able to connect to the printer anywhere, within the wireless range as well as accessing the WHS file.

    Now I got the first MAC. It works fine, able to connect to the networking, accessing WHS file through the wireless. As everybody knows, MAC are not able to work with Dlink shareport, therefore, access the printer through wireless in not possible (yet).

    As I just got introduced by my friend that Parallel desktop 5 is excellent platform, therefore, bought one and installed to my MAC. I installed the platform with Window 7 ultimate. It work fine, using the virtual machine, Win 7, able to access the network and accessing WHS file. Internet is not a problem.

    Now, the main problem. I installed the Dlink sharport utility to the virtual machine, Win 7, with the hope that, it can work as good as the PCs, printing through the shareport, from the router, wireless. But not the case.
    Installing was successful but it cannot work. It stated that "no usb device detected. Please plug in the hardware, external drive or printer". I check both PCs, it can connect and print.

    I open the network in the virtual machine, it stated "connected to network". Comparing the setting to my PCs, I found that my PCs connected to network named, HKH (HKH is my router SSID name). Then i check my MAC, it is also connected to HKH network. But my virtual machine have no name, it just state " network 2, internet access".

    Spending many hours (3 days) on that, playing around with the configuration, still no avail. Please help... is DLINK shareport able to work with Parallel desktop? Why virtual machine is connected to "network 2" instead of HKH? Am I able to configure so that virtual is connect to HKH and MAC is using "network 2? Is there other solution? Sometime virtual is not able to connect to internet, why? Please share with me. Thanks

  2. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Most likely it is because VM's Network is in SharedNetwork mode. Please try to switch the VM's network card to Bridged mode
  3. Hoh

    Hoh Bit poster

    Thanks of the comment,

    It not working as well. I tried using bridged networking (all 4 options) and share networking, still cannot connect.
    Is there any manual teaching steps by steps to follow for a proper networking setup?
    Is there anyone successfully using Dlink shareport on the VM? Please share... Thanks.

  4. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Does networking works ok when VM is in Bridged Mode (don't bridge to vnic0/vnic1, it is the same as HostOnly and Shared)

    You may want to try to ask on DLink's forum on whether someone succeeded configuring it for VirtualMachines - even VirtualMachines for Windows/Linux is ok. If it works there, it should work in Parallels Desktop also.
  5. Hoh

    Hoh Bit poster

    Thanks for the comment,

    After 5 days of trying... which still got no result, I reinstall the whole Parallel as well as the window 7.
    Same as usual, cannot connect to network, change the setting at;
    Devices - Network Adapter 1 - Default Adapter (Bridged) - Bridged Networking - Default Adapter.

    After the setting, install printer and Shareport drive, still cannot...

    Soon after the disappointment with MAC and Parallel, I tried one last method. Switch off the wireless on MAC and plug in the network cable. To my surprise, the Shareport detected my printer. Try printing... and it works.

    Happily retart the whole system, unplug, switch on wireless.... no detection of printer on Shareport. Try one more time, with wired with wireless off, it detected printer...

    Now what is happening? MAC wireless, AirPort? Any solution to change setting?

  6. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    I'd recommend to create a new post on this forum and may be somewhere for Dlink with subject like "Does anybody know how to configure DLink Sharepoint to use BridgedNetworking for VirtualMachines".. It is hard to say anything without having this hardware at hand

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