New 2X Client for iPhone and iPad Released

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by JohannM, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. JohannM

    JohannM Guest

    2X Software has just released a new 2X Client for iPhone and iPad. To read about the features, please see our 2X Client for iPhone and iPad page.

    2X Client can be downloaded from iTunes.
  2. freddyst

    freddyst Guest

    Good evening to everybody.
    I downloaded the new version from iTunes and I cannot connect to my server.
    I found out that I need to update my server as well ans that is not possible for the moment.
    As it is crusial for my to be connected does anyone know how can I downgrade to the previous version?
  3. freddyst

    freddyst Guest

    Now i know that it is crazy, but can anyone know where i can find an older version of 2X. (the latest one is 10.1.1204) and it does not work with my server
  4. mxtest

    mxtest Guest

    Just want to say that I use this on my iPad 3 and iPhone 4 and its awesome.
  5. palmai

    palmai Bit poster

    Cannot connect to Windows 2003 RDP desktop from 2x Gateway v8.1.941
    Authentication succeeds.
    Request to tunnel to server succeeds.
    When gateway tunnel is initiated to Win2003 Svr desktop, client connection just stays in the "connecting" state.

    2x GW log says:
    CLIENT_IDLESERVER_REPLY UserName user@domaim, ClientName Client-iPad, AppName #73, PeerIP, GatewayIP 10.100.0.x, Server Win2003Svr, Direct svrName, desktop 1
    SendIdleServerReply Server svrName, Direct svrName, port 3389
    CLIENT_CMD_IDLESERVER_REPLY ClientName Client-iPad, LocalIP 10.100.0.x, PeerIP, AppName #73, Server svrName, Direct svrName, port 3389, IsDesktop 1404, Flags 1
    User user@domain, Client Client-iPad, Address 114.x.x.x wants to open "#73" Application, Server svrName:3389 is available
    User user@domain, Client Client-iPad, Address 114.x.x.x:50690 tunneled to svrName (10.100.0.x):3389 and started Application "#73"

    Failed to get MAC Address (0x0000001f) A device attached to the system is not functioning.

    Previous IOS client version worked OK.
  6. jgaspar

    jgaspar Bit poster

    Hi freddyst, I have the same problem here.
    Search your HD for old versions 2xclient*.ipa

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