... remove the workaround that Parallels provided?
I have just downloaded the release candidate, and have no problems.
I did, of course, remove the legacy settings to run OS X in 32bit mode.
Remember this???
sudo nvram boot-args="-legacy"
You have to do this
sudo nvram boot-args=""
to remove the legacy options again, followed by a reboot.
I remove the legacy option, rebooted and thus far, besides the old Garmin GPS issue, the new version gave me one (1!) error ( please email Parallels, bla bla bla ) when I started the old WinXP SP2 VM (created by the crashing version of Desktop) for the very first time, then no more errors at all. No Kernel Panics, nothing. Everything seems to work. I have restarted the VM ( for testing purposes ) about 10 times thus far.
I have a MacPro 2.66, 1 GB ( for now... )
Hope this helps,
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