New User Question

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Craig3, May 9, 2016.

  1. Craig3

    Craig3 Bit poster

    Hi All,
    Hoping for some advice here. I'm looking to use either Parallels or VMWare Fusion to put Windows on my iMac, however I'm unsure what one to go for, would anyone have some recommendations based on price/performance? Also, I presume you need to buy a copy of Windows if using Parallels?
    I'm currently a student going into a graduate job soon (who admittedly use VMWare) and I'm wanting to use Visual Studio Community to learn C# from a tutorial site I've found, among other things.

    Thanks for your time.
  2. Sasti@Parallels

    Sasti@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hello Craig3,
    As far as Parallels Desktop is concerned, you could avail the 14 day trial to see how it works for you. You might want to use the Pro edition of Parallels Desktop that has separate plug-ins for Visual studio. To know the difference between the Pro and standard edition refer to this link. With your student email address, you could also get the student edition(this will be a standard edition) at
    Also the Windows Operating system has to be obtained from Microsoft separately.

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