no boot device

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by max_y, Sep 16, 2006.

  1. magrite

    magrite Junior Member

    As I wrote earlier, I am having the exact same problems. I too do not believe all of us happen to have scratched cd's!!!! I have also followed the same recommended procedures as posted, and looked at two additional blogs for tips. Going to bootcamp is not an option, and my feeling is that anyone who of us who is trying multiple configurations to try to get parallels working, agrees. Let's figure it out! You guys are the gurus....
  2. magrite

    magrite Junior Member

    Here is what the Tech Advisor from Parallels responded to my request:

    >I think that Parallels didn't catch CD image or something
    >wrong with it.
    >Try to install from real Bootable Windows XP installation
    >CD and follow instruction:
    >1. If not running, start Parallels Desktop
    >2. In the Resourses list click the CD/DVD-ROM link
    >3. In the Configuration Editor select CD/DVD-ROM
    > and verify that Enabled and Connect at startup are
    > selected.
    >4. Select Use CD/DVD-ROM and specify which drive to use
    > in the CD/DVD-ROM Drive pop-up menu. Click OK
    >5. In the virtual machine configuration window click Save
    >6. Insert the Windows XP disc into the drive
    >7. Start the virtual machine by clicking Power On
    >8. Follow the installation instruction for Windows XP
  3. kenduit

    kenduit Member

    New wxp cd

    I returned the win.xp home editionwith service pack 2 to comp usa I got a new one but have the same problem.Please Advise Thanks Ken
  4. max_y

    max_y Member

    I would LOVE to use and buy parallels...but its clear that quite a few people are having similar problems. I'm also sure that many people dont have this problem as, this is ALREADY my second disk...i had a different copy made, with sp1, still same message. my current disk is sp2. BOTH disks work in mac os and on pc where does that leave the folks that are having this problem?
  5. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    Well, that's kind of an interesting problem. If you've tried two bootable disks, that boot elsewhere, the next thing to try is to verify that the CD is connected to controller 0:0 and your .hdd file is connect to 0:1. If it doesn't boot then, I'd uninstall Parallels, restart your Mac, install Parallels, restart the Mac, and try again. If that doesn't work, you may have an OSX corruption problem, or some software installed that is interfering. I don't have a list, but there is some software known to interfere with parallels. All of it installs Kernel extensions.

    I had severe problems getting Parallels to run (after it had been running fine for weeks) and ended up reinstalling OSX, which fixed the problem. (FWIW).
  6. magrite

    magrite Junior Member

    I've been able to isolate one of the problems -- the VM not being able to recognize the default cd drive. By turning off the Intel VT-x in the OS options the VM was able to recognize the cd through the intial power-on process. With the Intel VT-x box activated, I would be able to connect through configuration, but consistently lost the connection when the VM powered up.

    So, rather than getting a disk boot error, I got nothing -- even though the cd drive was connected, it did not find the Windows XP boot disk. I also tried through an image of the boot disk, but it came up as not containing a bootable file. It did recognize the image with the Intel VT-x box activated. By the way, in the manuel what page is the Intel VT-support? I am looking right now at page 146 in the hardcopy.
  7. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Knoppix live CD ISO could be download from here - . Could you check does it boot or no in your configuration?
  8. kenduit

    kenduit Member

    wxp home edition with sp2 disc info

    Not sure if this helps

    Attached Files:

  9. kenduit

    kenduit Member

    what specifix steps to reinstall osx have cd's that came with mac book pro. Thanks Ken
  10. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    MacBook Pro user guide page 99.
  11. patzari

    patzari Bit poster

    Still unable to install XP

    OK, here I am another one with the same problem.

    I have read the posts and have followed the guidelines and still can not install my departmental WinXP SP2 CD. The CD is recognized by OS X but disappears when I start the VM; it seems content of the CD can not be accessed by the software, as nothing happenes in the VM window- no message of no bootable device, nothing. Also tried it with the image, conected the image but... nada.
    Well, then I read CD/DVD drive has to be master drive (device setting 0:0, and harddisk 0:1), tried that... but nada.
    Then, deinstalled parallels and re-installed (Build 1862 beta now; had 1892 and 1848)... all nada.
    Then I thought the CD is not good, or the CD/DVD drive is faulty... but tried to install XP with boot camp and worked fine. As I do not want to use boot camp due to obvious reasons, I want to fix the problems with the parallels software.
    Finally, I tried Knoppix and the installation is just fine.
    So I am really really dissapointed with the software as in my hands it does not work.

    A good hint is that the software might interfere with other software/components. Where can I get info what these might be? How can I check any interference?
    We need to solve the problem.I bought the software and want to use it, not only with Knoppix!
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2006
  12. max_y

    max_y Member

    fyi, i have tried the controller change, i did reinstall parallels, muli versions as in the post above, .hdd connected to both 0:0 and 0:1.

    If there is a list of incompatible software, that would be great to publish.
  13. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    I know people were having problems with something called "Q" (IIRC). I had problems with a long gone audio editor (forgot the exact name and it's history) that installed a kext.

    You can run kextstat from terminal, route the output to a file, edit the file to remove all lines starting with "" just to save space, and post the result. If a number of folks having problems do this, a pattern may emerge. I'm not posting a list because I'm not having problems.

    You can also remove third party extensions with kextunload. Of course if you do, things may stop working, but restarting your Mac will put them back.

    BTW, I'm still running build 1862, the laatest commercial release. I've tried a couple of later builds but they didn't help, and I need to actually USE the software.
  14. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Guys, we are trying to reproduce. But without any results :(

    I can offer you next things:
    1. Try bootable ISO downloaded from internet (Andrew placed link somewhere in that topic)
    2. Try to remove all devices from VM (except CD-ROM) and boot from it. If it boots - comnnect HDD to 0:0 and CD to 0:1 and try that configuration
    3. Try to set acceleration to Normal and VTx to Off state.
    4. Try to set different amount of guest OS memory.

    Experiment on VM! We need to know how to reproduce and how to fix that annoying problem.

  15. max_y

    max_y Member

    Unfortunately, what Parallels offers IS being done by people here...
    Patzari tried suggestion 1, but still no luck with windows cd
    I plus others have tried 2, 3 and 4

    Parallels offers that same fixes each time, so how do you expect us to debug the problem? If you read this and other threads, people are trying with no success.
  16. patzari

    patzari Bit poster

    Failure again

    OK, tried what was suggested again...

    1.) Knoppix CD just boots perfectly fine.
    2.) Removing all devices but CD-ROM did not work. CD recognized by OS X but not within the VM window (CD icon dissappears from OS X desktop when VM starts; no error message but also no booting happens).
    3.) Tried, did not work.
    4.) Tried, did not work.

    With the danger to repeat myself, nothing is working.
    I do not like the solution to re-install OS X to solve the problem with parallels, especially if I do not know if it is going to work for sure. To tell you the truth, it probably will as my guess is, that there are interference issues. It is your job, granted with our help, to find this problems. I bought the software and I can not use it; I have not the time to search for any incompatibilities with anything I have on my Mac. To much work and I do not have the time for that. I do understand however, that finding a solution is difficult if you do not have the problem on your machines. So, please, try to figure out what interferes with your software, one way or another.

    One more thing. To have an idea, if a fresh install is going to help, is it possible to install a OS X version with the parallels for Mac software and try to install windows in this version running in parralels? The description does not say you can not install OS X with the software, does it? Please, advice.
  17. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    When I was having problems that led me to suspect OSX corruption, I installed a new copy of OSX on a firewire external disk, installed Parallels, and found it worked just fine. During the OSX install, I migrated accounts from my built in disk.

    Once it was working, I migrated everything the setup assistant would copy, moved by hand some of the stuff it wouldn't, and cloned the now properly working partition back to my built in disk. It now works fine, and I use the external as a backup device since I consider frequent backups essential.

    External firewire drives have come down in price now to the point that I see no reason not to have a few. (YMMV)
  18. madbandit

    madbandit Junior Member

    To mudd the water some more...

    Yesterday, I did re-install OS X, and it didn't help. I did it twice actually, so that I could try it once with the updates from Apple, and the second time without. No luck either way, and still got the same error message. I just wanted to be sure that an update from Apple was not somehow interfering. Luckily, I've only had the computer since Monday, and hadn't had the change to accumulate much data on it.

    Sadly, my MacBook Pro is now on it's way back to where I purcahsed it, and they can take care of the problem for me. This is a huge inconvenience, but I'm really left with no other option since I need the software. I've already spent close to a week working on the problem, and I'm frankly out of time and now behind on my work...
  19. magrite

    magrite Junior Member

    FYI, I am also working with a MacBook Pro received on Tuesday (Sept. 20). A colleague was able to install the same version of parallels on an older MacIntel Macbook Pro with no problem, in one try, by following the directions. I am guessing that there is an issue with the hardware/software in our newer MacBooks. I have a 15.4" screen; MacBook Pro1, 1; Intel Corre Duo; 2.16 GHz CPU speed; 2 GB memory; Bus Speed 667 Mhz and Boot ROM Version MBP11.005.B03.
  20. Bit poster

    no boot disk

    I changed the boot sequence to CD,hard disk, floppy
    Set the CD/DVD-ROM to Default CD/DVD-ROM and powerd on.
    At first the VM did not recognise the cd, so I ejected and reinserted it.
    On the second attempt the VM recognised the cd after I jumped back up to the pull down for devices and chose the default CD/DVD-RoM again. I then got the expected "Press any key to boot from CD..." and it loaded nicely.

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