No Option to Import Bootcamp

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by CarlD2, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. CarlD2

    CarlD2 Bit poster

    I need to import a bootcamp petition. However, there is no option in the File menu for importing a bootcamp partition, as is shown in your knowledge base. There are only two options: New and Open. I have Parallels 14 Pro edition. Please help. Thanks. -- Carl
  2. Ajith1

    Ajith1 Parallels Support

    Have you created a Bootcamp virtual machine? Is it working fine? If it is then shutdown Windows, right click on the VM directly in Control Center and select Import.
  3. CarlD2

    CarlD2 Bit poster

    Ajith, No at the time of my last post I had not created a VM in Parallels. The problem was that the Bootcamp partition was not mounting. I had to delete Paragon NTFS program, and then I could mount Bootcamp partition. Once I did that, the Import option appeared in the Menu. At that point the import concluded successfully. Now, however, I have another problem that I've posted about in another thread. I have 100 percent Disk Usage in the VM, even when I turn off Sharing>Access Windows folders and exclude the Bootcamp partition from Spotlight searches. This renders the VM unusable as it is slow beyond belief. If I can't resolve this issue soon, I will ask for a refund, as I bought Parallels 14 just about a week ago.
  4. AJ@Parallels


    Hello CarlD2, Kindly follow the instructions from this link and check if it helps.
  5. CarlD2

    CarlD2 Bit poster

    Again, my problem is 100% Disk Usage, not CPU usage.
  6. Please make sure that the Windows is up to date. Also, check for the Disk Usage in the native bootcamp partition and update the results.
  7. CarlD2

    CarlD2 Bit poster

    No problem with disk usage when I boot into Bootcamp, only when I'm using the Bootcamp VM under Parallels in Mac OS (Mojave).
  8. KebhaK@Parallels

    KebhaK@Parallels Hunter

    Hi @CarlD2 , Start Boot Camp based Windows virtual machine, open task manager and follow steps in the article to generate technical report ID. Once technical report ID has been generated please share it here so that we can investigate this issue.

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