No physical network adapter for shared networking in parallels 4.0

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by eelco, Nov 15, 2008.

  1. eelco

    eelco Bit poster

    My issue still persists. The last hotfix did not resolve this. Maybe my issue is caused by the checkpoint vpn client I am using. I remember this has caused problems in the past...

  2. oowf

    oowf Bit poster

    You sound like you know a little about setting up your Network Adapter if you could find it!

    Try This...

    Go to Parallels Desktop Configure (you have to do this while the Virtual OS is not running) and browse down the left side menu bar until you see "Network Adapter" (If you don't see "Network Adapter" then add it by clicking on the "+" at the bottom) and then make the setting you want in the right pane.

    Relatively easy...

    Good Luck!
  3. eelco

    eelco Bit poster

    Hi Oowf,

    Thanks for your response. However, the virtual adapter for the VM is there. The shared network adapter it should map to in OS X is missing.

  4. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    No, most likely that VPN Client is not the cause. VPN Clients were sometime the reason of missing networking in Windows VM Guest after upgrade and this was always resolved by reinstalling, but this is not your case.
    Problem Report (instructions how to send it was sent via forum private message) will help to identify the problem,

    Thank you
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2008
  5. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Here was a discussion about installing drivers for Windows 2008.
    Since I am considering this discussion useful and deserving it's own topic, I have moved all related posts to the new thread "Installing networking drivers for Windows 2008"

    PS: It was my first moderation experience, so don't blame me if anything was not ideal -)
  6. Patrick Salas

    Patrick Salas Bit poster

    Here is the solution that worked for me..

    I had to figure these out by myself and here are my recommended steps for the benefit of others:

    1) Go the MAC "System Preferences" and click "Internet Sharing" (you would need to click off the box to make changes) then make sure to share the plain "Ethernet" Adapter and the other "Ethernet Adapter (Enx -- the x stand for a number) If you get a conflict message when starting, click the adapter in conflict off.

    Next launch Parallels but do not start Windows (I use Vista) then click on the Parallel virtual machine "Configure button" select "Bridged Ethernet" and scroll down the list on the left to select "Hardware" then Click the Plus + sign on the lower left to add a new Network Adapter (usually "Network Adapter 2")

    After that the new adapter should be detected by windows Plug and Play and shown as new hardware ready to go. You should see the network icon activate and when you launch your browser get connectivity.

    I think is too much to do for the average user and Parallels need to get their act together so that the users do not have to deal with these manual configuration changes...

    Good luck.

  7. pdm32

    pdm32 Bit poster

    Missing Network Adapters Despite Restored Defaults and Re-Install

    I have the same basic problem and error messages as eelco on a late fall 2008 MacBook Pro. I have restored defaults in Parallels Preferences / Network and have re-installed Parallels, both to no avail.

    There are several additional, mystifying features however:

    1. All was well for 2 months or so after installing a copy of Vista Business that included SP 1 in its own, non-Boot Camp partition. I have since read that SP 1 is / may be a problem all by itself in Parallels.

    2. I can not see the Parallels Network Adapters in System Preferences / Network. They used to be there, and I can see them in an Intel iMac on my desk at work running Parallels on hardwired Ethernet. I thought re-installing Parallels would re-install them, but apparently not, and I haven't found how to install them separately.

    3. During the 2-month, "all was well" period, I could connect via a Cisco VPN client to my work from home, on either my wired or wireless connections there. I first noticed that I could not connect wired, and then (now), I could not connect wirelessly, either.

    4. But I can still connect via the Cisco VPN client from a public wireless network.

    5. I have tried Bridged Networking, to no avail.

    Any ideas?

  8. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Please send a problem report using menu "Help" -> "Report a Problem" and post here its number.
  9. pdm32

    pdm32 Bit poster

    Response to Elric

    As requested, reported as problem within Parallels, # 27383.

    Thank you.

  10. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Thank you, according to the report, your Parallels Desktop version 4.0.3522.
    Please download and install the latest version from the page
  11. pdm32

    pdm32 Bit poster

    Still no network adapters showing in Mac System Preferences / Network

    After install of newest build of Parallels and Parallels Tools and reboot of Mac. Should I see them? If so, any ideas?


  12. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

  13. Emulatelepath

    Emulatelepath Junior Member

    I am having the same problem with the latest build running Windows 7 - in fact most of the people at are also having it.

    Is there any obvious solution that isn't covered in this thread here, as I have tried everything mentioned here, and am pretty exhausted!
  14. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    Hi Emulatelepath,

    In fact, you are the second person (together with Evengers) who have met this problem,
    Is it possible to pass to us the VirtualMachine for us to investigate? I will provide an account on ftp if it is not a security (or any other) issue for you.. Thanks.
  15. Emulatelepath

    Emulatelepath Junior Member

    Hi, sorry but I would not be comfortable giving access to all my data in that way. But what was the solution for the other person if you check his ticket?

    Is there anything you can suggest to me here?

    It seems that Parallels Tools is conflicting with Parallels Ethernet Device.
  16. Emulatelepath

    Emulatelepath Junior Member

    PS: The biggest problem for me is that I cannot drag and drop my documents from the virtual machine to my Mac's user folder. I need to move all my PC documents to my new Mac. If you can help me achieve this, then I can move them off, and won't mind then sending you the virtual machine. Any ideas?
  17. Elric

    Elric Parallels Team

    It is possible to use the Parallels Explorer and pointing it to the .pvm bundle of the virtual machine, It is located somewhere inside the /Application/Parallels

    This will make possible to access files in the Virtual Machine. Then you can boot to the Windows and remove these files.

    I'll send Private Message in some few minutes with the steps to upload the VM to the ftp. Note: the mails with notifications about private messages are not sent by default.. so please check the PM.

    It is also would be useful, if you could create a support ticket under and post me its number. It will make possible to use e-mail for further conversations..

    PS: The shortest way, I think, is try to create a new virtual machine and install to it new OS. The issue with conflicting resources for network devices has been met only the second time. But If you will upload the VM to us, it will help us to improve the Parallels Desktop
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2009
  18. Emulatelepath

    Emulatelepath Junior Member

    Hi Elric, there is already a ticket open for this: #680732

    I am very reluctant to do a clean install of the VM - the Transporter functionality to retain my previous machine was the only reason I bought Parallels. I will upload the VM to your FTP shortly. Let me know if you have any other ideas in the meantime.

    Many thanks for the excellent support.
  19. Chad Barnes

    Chad Barnes Bit poster

    Error Message

    To whom it may concern,

    I have recently upgraded to Mac OS X Snow Leopard, and I now receive the following error message from Parallels:

    "The physical network adapter connected to virtual network adapter 1 does not exist. Do you want to save the virtual machine configuration anyway?"

    I have all ready tried "Restore Defaults," but that didn't help. Any suggestions?
  20. Ariel Lindgren

    Ariel Lindgren Bit poster

    I've got the same problem on Snow Leopard using Parallels 4.0.3844. Tried everything, nothing worked.

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