No sound from Vista when running in Parallels.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by luneth, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. luneth

    luneth Bit poster

    When I run Windows Vista Ultimate in parallels, no audio hardware is detected. When I run it with BootCamp, I have no problems whatsoever. Any suggestions on how to fix it?
  2. sandro

    sandro Parallels Developers

    check whether audio device presents and has state connected at your VM (to do this: stop VM and choose Edit->Virtual Machine... from PD menu). If it presents - check whether Parallels tools were installed to your guest Vista. Install them if necessary (to install Parallels tools: choose Actions->Install Parallels tools when your VM started and you logged into Vista)
  3. luneth

    luneth Bit poster

    I fixed it now. I used XP for years then switched to OS X so I'm not really in touch with how to use windows, but it turned out the audio driver wasn't installed properly, so I uninstalled it in from the device manager and let vista re-install it properly. Thanks for the help anyway.

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