no windows disk available

Discussion in 'Parallels Transporter' started by jlefevre1, Jun 15, 2008.

  1. jlefevre1

    jlefevre1 Junior Member

    I have imported two instances of VPC 7.0 to parallels. Both times it asked for a Windows install disk. Something about needing some type of file. Since these were at work I just grabbed the nearest XP pro disk I could fine. At some point in the near future I will upgrade my home iMac G5. I do not have access to a windows install disk at home. All of my VPC are licensed copies, but they were bought as disk images. I have the Microsoft certificate for all of them, they are legal, purchased XP Pro.s But they are not XP Pro install disks and will not work when the transporter asks for the install disk. Why is it even necessary for transporter to ask for an install disk.
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven


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  4. jlefevre1

    jlefevre1 Junior Member

    You are talking over my head

    Thanks for the responeses . I don't understand a thing either of you said. My OS by the way is XP pro original, no service packs have ever been added. I do not have access to any disks of that vintage, never did, but I do have the licenses and they are legal copies. All of the machine will not start up unless I bypass chkdsk, that utility will hang and never complete. I cannot reinstall the OS. I have software that takes KEYS that I must use and those can only be obtained from a telephone call to the manufacturer of the software and they are out of bussiness. We are talking old legacy stuff here that must be maintained and not updated.
  5. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Let me describe:
    During migration hardware emulation is changing - Microsoft Virtual PC , emulates another Hardware that Parallels does, so it it is necessary to provide Windows XP disk in order to install drivers for updated hardware.
  6. MizzouTiger

    MizzouTiger Junior Member

    Okay, but your referenced link states that OEM install CDs can't be used to create a slip stream install. Well, that is what I have since my PC was purchased from HP. So what do I do now?
  7. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Indeed, we cannot guarantee, that OEM version will work, also it is license violation (may be - check EULA), but this thread was started for VPC7.0 which EULA (for Windows)allows Windows to be installed on real Machine

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