Hi, I just activated my parallels version of Windows XP on my Mac....over the phone, because I can't access the internet in XP, even when I try every single connection option (bridging, shared, host-only). My Mac accesses a wireless connection fine, so I'm guessing the problem is some configuration between my Mac and XP parallels. Any ideas as to why this might be? Any similar problems to this? Any help would be very appreciated! I might even buy (or bake!) you a cookie! Thanks!
On the Parallels main menu, check the Devices menu then Network. You should have check marks next to Connect and Share Networking. If these are not checked and grayed out you will have to stop your virtual machine and adjust the settings. A second thing to check is Preferences on the Parallels Desktop menu item. Select the Network tab and make sure that the check boxes are checked for both DHCP services. I hope this helps. Good Luck Sculler
Hi Sculler, Thank you for your suggestion! When both of those options are set, there is still no internet connection though..
Try this. Start up Parallels, and then select you Virtual Machine. Check the network adapter and make sure it set to Shared. If it is set correctly, Start the Virtual machine. Once you are logged in, start up a DOS/CMD prompt. The enter the command ipconfig /all. You should get an address of 10.XX.XX.XX where the XX are the setup you have. If you get a 169.254.XX.XX address try doing a ipconfig/renew. This will get the XP system a new address. If you have Windows firewall enabled, or Symantec or another firewall enabled, it may be blocking your access to the internet. Try disabling it then ipconfig/renew and then try to get to the internet. Try this and see how you make out. Sculler
Hey Sculler, Thanks again! I tried that; there is no firewall enabled on my Mac or Windows XP, but the IP address is of the form 10.XXX.XX.X. Also ipconfig/renew left the IP address unchanged. Are the following relevant? Primary Dns Suffix: (blank) Node Type: Unknown IP Routing Enabled: No WINS Proxy Enabled: No