Norton Internet Security and updating Parallels 11

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Ian_Lee, Oct 20, 2015.

  1. Ian_Lee

    Ian_Lee Bit poster

    Just a comment which I expect everyone knows -
    Previously, I have always left Norton Internet Security with its security options set whenever anything is running in the Windows 7 system. However, I suspect a recent update to NIS now causes problems when applying updates to Parallels 11. The most recent update (to Parallels 11) failed by not installing Parallels Tools.

    This was solved by turning off all the features of NIS and reinstalling Parallels Tools.

    Hope this may help somebody!
  2. Manu@Parallels

    Manu@Parallels Guest

    Hello Ian_Lee,
    Thank you for letting us know, hope this post should help somebody with the similar issue.

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