Not honoring startup and shutdown prefs?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by rwhiffen, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. rwhiffen

    rwhiffen Junior Member

    I have have an issue that I'm wondering is a bug or just my install.

    When I double click a .pvs file it doesn't honor the "Exit application on VM shutdown" or "Start VM Automatically when it is opened" settings. I can understand the 'start' scenario, I guess, I did double click the VM, not, but the shutdown behavior is not what I expected. It makes editing a VM setting very cumbersome. Is this normal or just my machine?

    Rich Whiffen
  2. johnv

    johnv Parallels Team Parallels Team

    Hello, Rich!

    Please read this article for more information about the VM config. editing:
    How to access Configuration Editor and edit the virtual machine configuration.

    Best regards,
  3. rwhiffen

    rwhiffen Junior Member

    Thanks for the reply John,

    I am able to edit the config when ever I want, it's just that it takes more steps than I would like. If it honored my preference not to "exit the applicaiton on VM shutdown" it would be easier. I am more curious if this happens to everyone, or just me.

  4. johnv

    johnv Parallels Team Parallels Team

    Hi, Rich!

    Please open Finder and browse to the applications - parallels folder, and start Parallels Desktop. Select the VM from the pop-up list. Start this virtual machine to boot Windows. Then click on the Windows Start button and choose the Shut Down option to shut down the virtual machine. Windows will be shut down, but the virtual machine won't be closed. And you will be able to edit its configuration,

    Best regards,
  5. sparker

    sparker Member

    Since you never really got an appropriate answer from Parallels, I thought I'd answer that "I see the same bug you do".

    Parallels ignores the settings of "Start VM Automatically" and "Exit application on VM Shutdown". All of my machines seem to start automatically whether or not I've checked the startup box, and all of them quit Parallels on shutdown whether or not I've checked the Exit box.

    I can see the "effect" of changing these settings in the .pvs file. If they're off, I see

    Start auto = 0
    AutoShutdown = 0

    and if I change them, the .pvs is updated to show a "1". However, it appears that the app ignores the setting....

    I've sent notes to support, but as usual, never heard anything back....

    In the grand scheme of things, it's merely a pain in neck, not a fatal problem, but it does cost me some change in the swear-words bucket when I forget about it... :)

  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Try to start Parallels Desktop holding Command key and edit configuration settings, and click OK,

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