NX client / 2X appserver : Authentication failed

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by narsil, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. narsil

    narsil Guest


    I'm trying what should be a quiet easy config but ... here is the config :

    Ubunty edgy with VirtualBox, XP-SP2 on VBox, network and all stuff running fine in both host and guest OS, static IP everywhere.

    2X applicationserver 3.4 installed on the guest (XP-SP2), application published with no filtering, information status says everything is runnig.

    NX client (for Linux) 2.1.0-17 installed on Edgy

    I've tried to connect on port 22, 80 and 3389, but have connection errors on all.

    What's wrong ? Could somebody help me ?


  2. nixu

    nixu Guest

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