Odd Issue Opening Anything With Coherence

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by PingaT, Nov 1, 2018.

  1. PingaT

    PingaT Bit poster

    I have a customer's machine which has me a bit stumped. They are using Parellels to run some software on Windows 10. After upgrading to Mojave a day or two ago, Parellels kept crashing. After some searching around I found the software most likely needed to be upgraded, which I did to the latest version. Now, any time I attempt to open anything with Windows related with Parellels using Coherence through Mojave, it opens Adobe Reader which of course gives an error. If I remove Adobe, the issue is resolved. Install it again, the same problem comes up. I should also mention that I removed some malware from the machine (browser extensions, MacKeeper, etc) as well and everything seems fine with that aspect.

    I know there is some type of file-type association issue but as far as I can tell everything is set to where it should be.

    Any suggestions? Am I even in the right place for this question?
  2. Arun@Parallels

    Arun@Parallels Parallels Support

    Hi @PingaT , please help us with the screenshot of the error message.

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