Office 365 on Win 11... Office Apps disappear about twice a month

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by mgargiullo, Jun 18, 2023.

  1. mgargiullo

    mgargiullo Bit poster

    My Windows 11 VM has been pretty solid. I've been able to install and use our Office 365 installer to install and use office. The Windows 11 instance is attached to Azure AD and is used for work. The issue is that about twice a month, I wake the computer to find that the office apps have disappeared from Windows. I'm able to reinstall office without a problem and MS365 doesn't show it as an additional installation.

    Any idea why Office apps disappear from my Parallels Win 11 instance on a semi-regular basis?
  2. Pramesh Boodadoo

    Pramesh Boodadoo Staff Member

    For us to further investigate the issue, kindly provide us with the following information:
    1. The date on which the last time the issue occurred ?
    2. Run the affected virtual machine and collect a technical report (right-click Parallels icon in Dock > Help > Send technical data > check "Attach screenshots..." > press Send Report) and provide us with the report's 9-digit ID in reply to this post.
    Thank you.

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